
Thank you for writing this article. I knew this man. He was troubled, but he never deserved to die.

My god, this comment encapsulates my gaming experience at age 39.

Well said. I’m also concerned with the current political climate, the Blue Live Matter supporters adopting the Punisher Skull and politicians talking about running down protesters in the streets that this will inadvertently be seen by some people as a rallying cry to start taking the law into their own hands.

I’m also

I’m 39 and have an 8 year old that loves some dude named DanTDM. Because of people like PewPew, I am constantly looking up this man hoping he doesn’t slip into this level of bullshit.

Question for Rob Bricken:
Now that Topless Robot/Whatever the fuck it was called has folded, what feature from there would you like to bring to this site, assuming you could?

How would you shift the current focus in horror movies to explore new issues or create something unseen before? For example, Get Out was brilliant on a level I never thought possible only due to the self-created restrictions horror and Hollywood have imposed on the genre.

Seriously, there needs to be more books and media where men are taught the right way to respect women, their decisions and IF they choose to date men (I know I’m generalizing) how the man can build a healthy relationship.

Is there any genre piece where that has happened? Genuine question.

I had to re-read the article title three times to get what it was trying to say.

This pisses me off because it sounds like EA thinks that there isn’t a market for Mass Effect anymore. What they need to do is really focus on it. Andromeda was not perfect, but it planted the seeds for something more akin to ME:2. And to find out I’ll never find out what happened to the Elcor ark really saddens me.

The company is Fantasy Flight, not Final Fantasy.


I agree with you 100%

Thank you for your hard work and research. I am a true fan of this series and I accepted the issues as growing pains before a truly solid sequel. But that does not seem to be the case. I know this may sound fatalistic on my end, but it saddens me that I may not see a sequel for 5+ years. I’m 39 now, and my passion for


Only if it kept the original theme song.

Brilliant! I had never thought of that.

I hope it’s not another 5 years. I’d prefer not to be 44 when the next ME game comes out.

I share your assessment almost verbatim.

Does this mean DLC for Andromeda is a no go?

I’ve had the opportunity to be on a number of panels at Salt Lake Comic Con and bring this idea up numerous times. It’s amazing how well it can work if applied appropriately. I’m no longer a practicing therapist but have encouraged fellow therapists to adopt some of these tactics in youth treatment settings.