

My wife on the other hand is semi-interested.

Final Fantasy 13 was mine. I had tried and tried to like the game. I don’t know if it was my age or the story, but I pretty much hated everyone but Lightning. After leaving Egg City, trudging around the surface world and coming back to fight some incomprehensible mass of metallic wreckage with a face that I couldn’t

Have you watched the Expanse?

Isn’t a Fat Riker a banned sexual position?

I can see your point of view, but walking into the theater, have you enjoyed war movies in general? I have a friend who is a massive Star Wars fan who hated this movie for much of the same reasons you listed. In the end, she stated she has never enjoyed the “classic” war movie tropes and walked into the theater

About fuckin’ time!

If the West End RPG taught me anything, speeder scale weapons were too weak, but starship scale weapons could take out the AT-AT’s. But all the starfighters were being used for escorting out the personnel on Hoth.

Gods, I’m an old geek.

Beast Wars?

I’m an Atheist and still say, “Thank God.”

May Crom, the Sorceress, and the Old Ones allow you to seamlessly settle into your new responsibilities. Or at the least let you die in glorious battle shortly after losing your mind to cosmic horror.

I love this movie in all it’s tacky glory. I cannot even begin to tell you how many 90's Industrial Bands sampled the “dream”.

Difficult read, but insightful. I’m not sure how or if this changes my opinion on Bowie or any other star of that time frame. And that ambivalence is part of the overall cultural zeitgeist that forgives a famous person for preying on minors.

I don’t know if I can fully articulate the emotions I am feeling with the passing of the transcendent artist, David Bowie. My parents separated when I was three years old and for a time we lived with my grandparents. When my mother was able to afford an apartment of her own, I began to understand who she was beyond

You nailed it and are echoing all of the emotion I’ve had since I saw this on Saturday. Even decades of the EU showing the same type of end result didn’t take away the sting of seeing their happy ending fall apart.

Dude, chill out a little. I just got back into D&D after a decade long hiatus and I’ve appreciated the Sword Coast book for a recap. Since I bought it on amazon, the discount made it worth the price. Maybe it’s not geared towards hardcore Realms fans, but it helps my aging brain that long ago purged all my AD&D books.

It appears to me that the most ardent fans of the EU have struggled to accept that the books were never meant to be more than filler material. Excellent resources for RPG’s and to allow people to continue to immerse themselves in a semi-familiar framework. It was inevitable that when new movies came about there would

Sorry if it’s already been published, but when you finish the game, you unlock the classic Road Warrior leathers.

Check out NAMI if you haven’t already.

Well said. Excellent diagnositic abilities.