
I’m loving the hell out of the game. All the negative reviews are coming from professionals or people who were expecting Fury Road. I’ve been dying for a game like this since games were invented. I will play. I will die. And I will play again.

I don’t know what the hell the reviewers were expecting? I think anything

It makes me happy. I love the attitude she’s portraying altogether.

The Luke abides.


My bitter geek heart has broken. This saddens me more than I anticipated. Likely because my grandfather is the same age.

Has anyone mentioned the possibility of an unwanted arranged marriage?

When I first moved out on my own in 1996, I had a PS1 and Soul Caliber. I became obsessed with the adventure mode and I believe I was fighting Cervantes and the challenge was to not be hit. The constant barrage of “you lose” being voiced by the game led me to slam my fist down on the PS. Ironically, it was able to

I did something similar with Metroid 2. I slipped in Tetris and played it and finished before Christmas. Then had to act excited when I opened it. I still played the hell out of it and I still have the cartridge for nostalgia’s sake.

Let the bitterness FLOW through you! I agree with you. It's this type of nostalgia writing that keeps me from fully coming back to the Marvel Universe. In the meantime, I'll just focus on the movies.

I have been almost fearful to return to this series. This was the first series of fantasy novels I read in Junior High. They were gifted to me by my father who had just re-entered my life after being missing for nearly 10 years. The journey of the Belgariad and the Mallorean meant so much to me and the simplicity

Many of my weekends in Junior High were spent playing that RPG.


It is PTSD if it is traumatic to you. Doesn't have to be a single event to qualify, its just more complex.

I have left about 4 jobs in 2 months at least. We need to pay rent now, and I have no idea what to do. Her emotions have improved, but she hates everyone in my side of the family. I should mention, she also has no one in her side. She is the perfect definition of antisocial. I have broken down many times from her


I recall the make-out sessions with a woman who essentially would slobber all over my face to the point I broke out in a rash. I gave her a second chance, but at that point I felt I was being seduced by a St. Bernard. It ended quickly.

I watched it earlier today. I was expecting a joke and only laughed in terror. Well done.

The third anniversary of my father's death is approaching on December 21, 2014. After a long battle with substance dependence and sobriety, he concluded his fight at the age of 59. The phone call from his roommate still feels like a dream and his death derailed me for years. I had thought I had "gotten over it"

I'm surprised no one mentioned the "White Ranger" looks like Darkhawk.

I was a therapist who specialized in working with a criminal population. There are times where you have to draw a line for your own sanity and know your limitations. Sometimes you can refer a person to another professional, other times you inform the client and the court that your agency cannot assist in addressing