Evo-Psych: Observe a behavior ten times, explain it with some (mostly sexist) stereotype and then link it to evolution because MEN ARE NOT MONOGAMOUS BECAUSE MORE OFFSPRING. or so.
Evo-Psych: Observe a behavior ten times, explain it with some (mostly sexist) stereotype and then link it to evolution because MEN ARE NOT MONOGAMOUS BECAUSE MORE OFFSPRING. or so.
what's the difference?
give him a good book on feminism to read.
well there are conservative guys who are friendly to women and do call out sexist/disrespectful behavior towards women but still believe in traditional gender roles. Not the type of men I'd date, but I have met such men and still prefer them over sexists. I think.
I grew up with a feminist dad too. I am so so happy for that.
wouldn't necessarily make me sad if I would know you've punched him. just sayin'
"Minkowitz thinks that sometimes straight people fear that if they try to have an egalitarian relationship, sexual attraction will suffer"
The problem is that all the sexist racist right wing nuts jump on the bandwagon of free speech to defend their sexism and racism. Charlie Hebdo never went against the already marginalized, but they attacked oppression with their drawings - contrary to the ironic (or often not even ironic) sexism and racism spread by…
yeah it's already true by the definition of psychopathy. there is nothing empirical about that study.
lol this study does exactly say nothing. If a criterion of psychopathy is egocentrism, then of course egocentric people will..surprise! have a higher score on the psychopathy scale.
Hahaha. I see you have suffered big time!! Seriously, when I started learning a new language, I was amazed how eaaasy it was compared to german (except french, that's insane, even if compared to german OH MON DIEU!)
hahaha..yeah I know. Every german learners nightmare
"vengeful woman"
This is very interesting and there is a lot of debate in the german language, and I am very undecided. In german language, for every profession or the like you have a male and a female version, for instance "Lehrer" (teacher, male) and "Lehrerin" (teacher, female). There has been a lot of fighting from feminist sites…
what was this airline which around 1 year ago had this ad which was very very pornified (they withdrew it if I remember correctly after a lot of protest). At least I am not seeing how the objectification of women is decreasing anywhere, and as far as I know most studies show that it has in fact hugely increased over…
I was studying with guys just like that. The worst, worst thing was that the women would not criticize them but rather tell me "not to be too extreme". Yeah, right..
That's one of the rare cases where I have seen a male body objectified on a cover or the like..
I have colleagues saying that male violence against women is "natural" since it is an "evolutionary" trait. I don't even know where to start with.....