
That doesn't make any sense - if you think it is abusive you are already being critical

really strange..sounds as if we still live in the 50s..if a woman wants to be a mom of anything - great! If not - so what? Seriously: So what?

haha agree, though not being from new england

It's something between creepy and very very sexy. Isn't that a total turn on?

But as a feminist I can sure have an opinion about what I think is objectification? The difference about male and female nudity is that men do not present themselves as objects. Again: I am not saying there is in my opinion anything wrong with skin, sex or nudity. But just hold on and compare the poses and body

I feel you..I also think that it's a complex topic, and I also often don't have a clear cut opinion and I am also glad for other opinions. For the money thing, it's true, but it seems to me it's still through the use of the same old stereotypes. It seems to me also that the more progress we have had regarding gender

I see. So it's not that she herself is putting her ass into the focus. I'm pretty sure I do say the same things about white women, so I don't think you know enough about me and my views to judge.

I don't feel wearing make-up or dressing is disempowering - but I do feel that the reduction of desirability of a person mostly to the body, and the presentation of the body as an object, and not as part of an attractive person - as presented mostly by males in pictures - is disempowering. I don't make any difference

btw, what do you mean with BLACK womens sexuality? Do you think I can't criticize a woman fairly because she is black?

Doesn't make me feel uncomfortable at all. I am very very sexual myself, and have never found anything wrong with it. Also I believe we would not have all these discussions about pick up artists if our society would not have these double standards where men can praise themselves for "picking up" women since supposedly

well, this is space to comment, and I assume different opinions are welcome.

There is a lot of talk why gender equality has stalled. In my opinion, one reason is that while legally in many countries women and men have equal rights, there are more subtle things to tackle now - as general gender roles, stereotyping and bias. And I really believe one of the reasons that we are not progressing

It's really lovely. To me, that's the way it should be, open, honest, but both prioritizing loyalty and other values found in the other person way over other things as looks and possible sexual adventures. Like I'm very sexual and also out of curiosity like to look at other people, but I could spend lots of time with

yeah unfortunately in our society the attractivity of a woman is much much less bound to her personality. I don't think that's a given, really, but says a lot about what we appreciate in one gender vs. the other in our (sexist) society.

I remember once using a dating app, and many many men contacting me told me they are married and they didn't want anyone to know. I never met one - don't find people who are committed but cheat on their spouses attractive at all, nor would I want to be contributing to someone being hurt, but it really took away lots

Interesting topic. I grew up with parents who were very open about which other people they found attractive - and this transparency made it no big deal. Like "wow, that's an attractive person - and there is nothing wrong with pointing that out nor is attractiviy the most important thing about a person". I loved the

That's actually what turns me off, they're a bit too much on the manly site for my taste (but to each their own taste)

Me not - but my mom can't control herself when he is on tv :) "oh he is soooo good looking" "ok, mom" "no, but seriously.." "ok mom" "and look how respectful they are to their moms" "um, ok mom" :D

It's amazing how news about birth focus so much on the gender of the kid..it's a baby, it's healthy - what information does it add which gender it is? To me at least it doesn't do anything else than to evoke streotypes..

Nonono I totally feel you. I was also very pragmatic with what I used to post some time ago, because I wanted to get people interested - not scared (many, unfortunately, do get scared by feminism, which is mostly because of their own insecurites etc.). But lately, while experience more and more sexism, I started to