
Okay, fair enough, I get what he’s saying now, but I still think he’s making a mountain out of a molehill. Games take a while to download but most games don’t have patches very often (certainly not substantial patches) and even if they don’t automatically download you can just tell the game to update and walk away or

Ah so while Fortnite is nearly instant to play unless it has patches, other games sometimes have patches to download that stop you from getting to them instantly.

I think it’s very unreasonable to blame all of a game’s problems on a single developer and act like once they’re gone everything will magically get better

The thing about the balls is mostly for additional customization options, more than utility. Back in gen 3 they started showing the Pokeball you caught a pokemon in on their summary page, in gen 6 they made it so bred Pokemon inherit the same pokeball as the parent, and in gen 7 they brought back apricorn pokeballs in

My first hope is that they “delay” it a year. Make the tenth generation come out on the thirtieth anniversary. That would be a special generation on a special anniversary and it would get an additional year of polish. Win-win-win. After the backlash of the lack of polish in SV they surely had time to plan giving gen

I realized my answer to 3 is a little convoluted, I don’t need to deal with the year after the leap year, don’t remember why I did that in the first place (maybe because if I showed the leap years then xz00 would start with the same day as xy72? but I could just have pointed out that xz00 isn’t a leap year and it’s

This series staple is well overdue for a modern glow-up.

1) 14 I assume? One for each day of the week, doubled because of leap years?

I feel like by that logic you’re relegating every single Nintendo gimmick except for the Virtual Boy to “secondary gimmick” and that’s not really useful to the discussion. You can also play Smash Bros the same way on the Wii U and Switch, and I’m sure you’ll also be able to play it in the same way on the Switch 2,

I see this suggestion tossed around a lot but I don’t really see any reason they would do that. They aren’t in the habit of repeating names. I can’t imagine they’ll call it Switch 2, that’s just a convenient way to refer to it now, but I don’t think they’d repeat “super.” We’ve gotten Super, Advance, i, new, 3, 2, U,

Do you have a point other than just splitting hairs? The controller shaking things up is still the system shaking things up. The controller is an aspect of the system.

It’s very funny to see every gaming site and twitter reporting this as if it’s actual information and not just a prediction. It’s not even an interesting prediction. Launching in 2024? Duh. Games now cost $70? Yeah of course, especially after TotK already cost $70. An iteration rather than a revolution? It could be

I feel like this misses the context for why these things happen. The Wii shook things up because sales in all Nintendo home consoles sold worse than the previous one. The Wii U tried to shake things up because the Wii did to great success. The Switch did something very different than the Wii U because the Wii U did

I think latest the reveal could possibly be is right after Princess Peach Showtime (and even that feels a bit unlikely to me), waiting until the Paper Mario remake is out feels like way too late to me. We didn’t even get a release window on that, that’s probably coming in Summer. They’re not going to wait until they

Oh absolutely. It already seemed like its days were numbered just based on how old the system was, but like you said, when the September direct revealed that the only things coming after Wonder were Princess Peach Showtime, a couple DLCs, and a couple remakes, it’s seemed pretty clear that the next system is on the

Every Pokemon game that’s come out in the past decade has had backlash from a small number of very loud fans who can’t understand that it’s okay to move on if you aren’t enjoying a series anymore. That doesn’t mean the playerbase as a whole hates them. Arceus wasn’t perfect by any means but did a lot of interesting

I’m really hoping that they “delay” the next generation a year. SV were buggy enough that they had to apologize, so hopefully that’s finally enough for them to at least give a little more time for polish. Instead of the usual 3-year cadence, if they take just 1 more year this time that should be enough at least to

Frankly, I’m not a big fan of the way the world worked in SV and think Arceus did it much better. Most of the map in SV is fairly unremarkable, just grassy hills, and the towns feel shallower than ever with no buildings to enter except gyms, with important NPCs being highlighted in yellow as if to say “don’t bother

You could pick up pretty much any Jackbox Party Pack and be sure of a good time—10 just happens to be the most recent, released in late 2023.

Tears Of The Kingdom Devs Reveal The One Zelda Spin-Off They’d Never Make