
Love this guy, what a good evolution line! Feels unfair that my favorite gen 9 Pokemon might be a split evo of one of my favorite gen 8 Pokemon, haha. Really love that this is made up of multiple dragons, like Dragapult.

No thank you, so many games have a boring minimalist UI these days, I’m happy for these games to have a lot of style

People have almost unfettered access to developers via social media (to the point of absurdity in my opinion), that really the only reason to have an E3 is just to say we had an E3.

What? The story is pretty much never a deconstruction of that. They’re usually shown to be as powerful as they’re stated to be, or if they’re not explicitly shown to, nothing contradicts it. A kid manages to catch them, but that’s no different than any other JRPG/anime where the protagonists kill a god. The closest

Ehh, I think you’ve gone too far in the other direction. It shows they’re unreliable but it doesn’t show they’re all “complete fabrications” and plenty of legendaries have proven to be extremely powerful. Who’s to say Arceus isn’t a creator?

I liked what base SV did. I don’t mind a legendary being on the cover, and then other than those the only legendaries were the Treasures of Ruin, and those were fun to discover like old legendaries and still felt special to me. I don’t love that the DLCs for both SwSh and SV have gone kinda crazy with legendaries

Everybody’s favorite Pokemon doesn’t have to be available in every game, and that’s okay. They could have ripped this band-aid off if they’d been honest about Dexit, but that’s not PR friendly.

Anyone still using Twitter is complicit with the worst of its users.

It was, but that wasn’t developed by Game Freak (and also wasn’t action-based). There have been a number of non-Game-Freak games where there’s action and you directly control Pokemon (like Pokken and Pokemon Unite) but Game Freak’s games have always stuck pretty close to the traditional combat.

Not to defend the state of the game but this is DLC that was announced and started being sold way earlier in the year, it would have been much worse to not release DLC they already announced and sold. I very much hope there’ll be a performance patch, either with this DLC or later on, although it doesn’t seem very

Oh that’s an interesting thought, probably not like a new generation but maybe another Legends game or something? Arceus was already a little more action based so maybe future ones could be even more action based? That would worry me if true, they’ve had enough trouble putting out turn based games recently, an action

This sounds like a lot of fun if it’s available to all (or at least a lot) of Pokemon. It doesn’t say anything about only certain Pokemon being compatible but then it only shows Pikachu/pikaclones so I don’t know if you’ll be able to run around as a legendary or something. All Pokemon have walking animations so I feel

Based on leaks, the 25 they showed in trailers are the only ones, or at least the only static encounters? I’d assume you’ll at least be able to get Calyrex since you can get Glastrier and Spectrier. That is quite a bit but far from “almost every” legendary from the previous gens.

I don’t have any specific expectations but I hope we get a KH4 trailer. Not a reasonable hope, but they gotta have news for it eventually. A Hades 2 trailer would also be nice.

“It’s legal” absolutely does not mean “it’s not creepy” and saying “it’s legal so it’s not creepy” is a super creepy mentality. “Post-pubescent” doesn’t mean “makes good judgement.

If A knows that B doesn’t know, then A knows it isn’t in a month with unique dates, so not May or June. Now that B knows it’s July or August, and since B can now narrow it down it can’t be the 14th, or B still wouldn’t know whether it was July or August, so it can be July 16 or August 15 or 17. Since A now knows the

The fuck is the point of a comment like this?

The great news is that these are so small that you can’t even see how ugly they are! Please buy our product that’s small enough that you’ll forget buying them and therefore won’t regret it!

Its a single player game, and if you go after it playing all day for several weeks of course you are going to run out of things to do.