
Never heard of this before now but looking it up, it doesn’t involve parity at all and it only flips a few primes into the sequence (up to 7 in this case?) while this puzzle does flips all integers all the way up to 100. Doesn’t seem applicable to this puzzle despite superficial similarity.

The number of flips is based on the number of unique factors the corresponding door has. I started typing out my logic and realizing my mistakes a couple times and deleting what I wrote and I think what I’ve arrived at is that square numbers are the only doors that will stay open.

Just 20 years ago, players needed to take care of their Neopets by buying food and care products using in-game currencies. The game had two kinds of digital coins, Neopoints and Neocash, the latter of which could be bought with real-world money or gained through casino-style games of chance—AKA gambling.

I haven’t cared about OW in a while and this certainly won’t make me care again, but I do like the design of the drill one

Not that I like this but...

I think it’s a but silly but I also understand from a business perspective drawing a hard line on that to avoid messy wiggle room between definitions. The thing I’ll follow that with is I’m totally fine with cheating as long as nobody gets an unfair advantage. It’s incredibly silly to suggest that mods will hurt a

You’re right about the battery, but I figure they could probably get away with streaming from one half to the other if they’re separated. Wouldn’t be great for, like, super precise fighting games, but probably fine for the average game.

It is classic but that doesn’t mean it isn’t targeted, haha

Admit it: you phrased the title this way to make people feel old when they see the DS called “classic” :p

Gengar has always seemed like a boring blob to me. Haunter is definitely cooler. Sadly middle stages are often overlooked.

You don’t need 3 zombies for the 4 barrel case. You don’t get any information from adding zombie C. If zombie B dies, zombie C won’t. If zombie B lives, zombie C won’t. Your zombie C is completely redundant.

I think my top 10 (in no particular order) are Blacephalon, Chandelure, Phantump, Pumpkaboo, Mimiku, Dhelmise, Sableye, Hisuian Zorua/Zoroark, Lunala, and Dragapult. 3 of those are Grass/Ghost, which continues to be an excellent combo for designs (and Decidueye and Bramblin almost made the list).

Gonna mentally round up to 1024 (2^10) to make it feel cleaner even though it doesn’t change the answer. For the first one, it’s 10. You have 1 zombie drink from barrel 1, 3, 5, 7, etc. You have one drink from 1, 2, 5, 6, 9, 10, etc (drinking 2, skipping 2). The next one drinks from 1-4, 9-12, 17-20, etc (drinking 4,

Well, I was planning on waiting until it was F2P to try it. Every once in a while I had to go back and check the FAQs to be sure I was remembering right that it was going to end up free, because everything I saw about it seemed to be treating it like it was going to be paid forever. It seemed like they were trying to

so might as well quiet them down for a year with the announcement

You’re “allowed” to, yeah, but it turns out there are a lot of things that you’re “allowed” to do that are kinda shitty that you shouldn’t do.

“Sir, people are getting grumpy about ES6 not being announced”

As another commenter pointed out, the most surprising thing would have been if they didn’t do anything differently in that scene anyway. This doesn’t really give anything away.

Yeah that’s fair, my math was wonky. I excluded the first of each of course, but then I was mistakenly thinking of the Gamecube -> Wii -> Wii U chain as 3, not 2.

And there’s literally no reason to expect that