
Saying “it’s popular for [x]” doesn’t mean “it owes its popularity to [x], it just means “it’s a popular place to get [x]”

I think it’s weird when people act like spoilers only pertain to story and that there’s nothing else that anyone could want to not see ahead of time. Heck, the game is even named after the sense of wonder that they want you to feel as you’re surprised all the unexpected things that happen in the game which definitely

“The bias has to stop” -someone making an impassioned straw man and working on incorrect information

It wasn’t good. Open world is fun when you can take your time and explore at your own pace, Sonic games are good when you can go with the flow and follow where it’s taking you, steering and jumping as necessary. You can immediately see the problem. If you just let the world take you where it wants you to, it’s fine,

Gonna just copy and post what I said to you last time I saw you bring up this nonsensical idea

I don’t really think it’s for “mystique,” Nintendo usually just doesn’t really lean into “behind the scenes” stuff that much. I think in this case they just want the new VA’s performance to stand on its own without making a big deal about it.

The starfield character in the thumbnail of the video actually looks okay, but some of those, lookin’ at you cloud, are horrendous

It’s very game dependent for me. I’d agree that for Assassin’s Creed games, I’m usually not interested in going back after I beat the game because if I skipped some side content it’s probably because it was boring. Sometimes in other games though I’m impatient to progress the game and skip some side content I want to

There’s plenty of logic/reason to use it. That’s simply the easiest way to get news on a variety of things or keep up with people you know or follow. It’s a shit site, but it’s an easy way to follow artists or devs that I like. While it’s still the easiest way for people to keep up with things they like, they’ll stay

I don’t think I’ll be interested in these sets in particular, but I like to see them expanding into new IPs for Lego sets. Maybe Splatoon might be in the cards, and even someday Pikmin.

Is this “we finally figured out a good take on mounts for our game” or “we really need to attract some more players so let’s give them what they want?”

I guess the backlash they’d expect from shutting down Bank is still enough that it’s worth keeping that up for a while. I figure there’s not that many people still playing 3DS and Wii U games online but I guess there still must be plenty of people transferring Pokemon.

I thought Odyssey was pretty but felt insanely bloated. I did the tombs and mythical things but the number of quests and stuff was ridiculous and I skipped most of it. Valhalla actually felt tighter to me, at least in the side content department, so I ended up 100%ing the map (although by the end I was pretty sick

However, Mirage’s main story is definitely the weakest part of the game. I like Basim and it is nice to see how he becomes the assassin we meet later, but 99% of what happens in Mirage is so low-stakes and sectioned off from the rest of the franchise that by the time the credits rolled I wasn’t sure if this story

No, you collect rings

Hmm, I’ll give it a go but I might just end up watching the cutscenes on youtube. The base game was an... interesting experience, but I wouldn’t say it felt good to control. High difficulty just sounds like a very unpleasant experience.

The music’s not for me but I thought the trainer designs were really fun. I thought the ground type Miku was perfection. I love the details in the concept art:

They DID open ThinkGeek stores, there was one in my local mall, and it was great. They just decided to completely kill off ThinkGeek and good merchandise and pivoted into pops and shitty FnaF merch.

Hidden Treasures (Part 2) will be out in November.

Cofagrigus is the clear winner (loser). I personally think Flapple and Flamigo are fine. I think the names of the loyal trio are very goofy but entertainingly so, like they’re trying their hardest to convince you that these three very evil looking pokemon are definitely not evil, wink wink.