
Hmm.. Zack is still pretending to act like he thinks this season is any good? I figured he would have given it up by now.

The last 40 minutes almost makes me wish the whole show's focus was on the sestras and their daily lives + regular problems, instead of the convoluted sci-fi clusterfuck we got! But alas, it still had so many incredible moments and was a perfect showcase for Tatiana Maslany. I'll miss it.

I guess that sounded more sinister than I wanted it to! There are people I've seen online who take the hair that a cat sheds and makes a hat out of it for them, like this.

Will the hat be made of her own hair?

Does anybody know a good replacement for The AV Club when kinja hits? I've been using this website so long I wouldn't know where else to go.

Well Tom Breihan is pretty dumb, so…

What part of 24 are you referring to?

I was just watching the 2009 version of Hamlet today (which stars David Tennant) and the woman who plays Ophelia in it is Petal! Funny that they didn't have any scenes together in this though.

I know it's been out for years but uh… maybe still put that in spoiler tags? I was planning on watching it soon and others might still.

I don't know what that sentence means.. but I know I don't like it.

That's not very helpful!

It could've been Dickon?

Uhhh they were pretty legitimate, it wasn't broadcasted but all the actors were together for the event.

Whaaat! I totally missed that. Which scene was it?

Only Sharknado could get an F AND an A from the AV Club.

Speak for yourself! I'd watch a 2 hour movie that is simply a long one take close-up of Elisabeth Moss' face.

I am SO happy Carrie Coon is finally recognized somewhere for her work on The Leftovers. One of the best performances I have ever seen.

That boy needs therapy.

"Do u want anything?"

And to repeat your point last week, WOW are the men on this show truly awful! I'm having a hard time believing how any of these women could marry these idiots. Ian especially, with his daughter showing way more maturity than him. Does anybody think there may be a connection between what he deleted on his laptop + the