
Yep. I bet if Princess Diana were alive she would totally tell us all that what mattered was what we were wearing, not what we had to say or see or give to the world.

Me too! Non-dancing latina. F all the diversity folks who ever thought that the way to do a latino themed party is to throw on some salsa music and tell everyone to dance.

But she is not dead yet? Right ? (Please god don’t let her be dead.) I guess my point is that it may be a lawsuit that has Betty’s unstated support. In the same way that sometimes relatives will sue a child for damages resulting from injuries so that the family’s homeowner’s insurance will cover the medical expenses.

I wonder if it’s a lawsuit intended to allow the caretaker to benefit from a litigation insurance policy at the end of her long employment.

I use more onion powder.

I’d like to see an investigative piece about how Kudrow earned that Post-it love.

How on earth did she figure it out? Im impressed.

I respect the point you are making. She is clear concerned with her appearance, and her appearance is in many ways aligned with the beauty standards already embraced by the media, so it’s not like she is exploding unrealistic beauty myths. She worries about her weight, and about her “post-baby” body, just as many


I don’t know what to say except that after two babies and two miscarriages in 5 years, I regard my reproductive organs and my body with a new respect and I think I too will have mixed feelings when my period is gone. I hope you find great new things in the next stage.

Lady Gaga’s dress/pants just makes me think “boobs! vagina!” for some reason. Like curtains opened and someone was showering in there.

Eyebrows - fingerprints of the future.

I came here only to check n this week’s creature feature and it did not disappoint.

There’s no way the kids will be able to run around Kourtney’s house unsupervised until they’re like 14. Its a total deathtrap for children, from the unguarded pool to the electrical fixture within reach of any two year old. Strange.

Its charming, and yet I’ve totally given up on putting eyeliner on while at home because I cannot paint whiskers on a four year old every morning with my stila.

I once had a dermatologist tell me to take benadryl regularly for an unexplained itch. I smiled politely and left.

The pockets just immediately say cool. Like, oh is this a special event, I guess I could wear what Im already wearing.

Me too!!

Jamie Dornan is constantly needlepointing when alone.

I love Jeanetta’s response. Utah: Where White people meet. If you need a special website to find someone white, you’re probably actually just looking for fellow racists.