
“That would require everything in the universe, at its smallest scale, has some definite property, some obvious state of yes or no. We already know that isn’t true, explained Hossenfelder. There are few definite things in quantum mechanics, only a probabilities.”

Yeah better to just assume it was magic or ghosts or some other such bollocks.

What a terrible interview — just a jumble of crap. I still have no idea what her main points are.

Well, duh.

Pray for Mojo.

“One of the strangest properties of our universe is that it has very low entropy”

“If Republicans were smart”

Temperature is just a measure of kinetic energy, so think of it more like “amount of energy in a volume of space”. Take, for instance, 1 cubic meter of empty space. That space is never truly “empty”, but will have some small number of particles within it, maybe some photons or neutrinos or some hyrdogen atoms, etc...

Another step backwards...

Why do we even still care about this antiquated spectacle? What a waste of time and money.

But climate change is a hoax. Trump said so.

Nice troll. “IDC estimates it shipped only 1.1 million Apple Watches in Q3 2016". Clearly no one is buying smart watches... except for the million plus people who are..

WTF is the point of the FOIA if they can just redact everything...

Zipper merge is clearly too egalitarian and sensible for Americans. If it’s not reinforcing your sense of self-importance and me-firstness, it doesn’t belong on our roads!

The article you cite makes no such definitive claim. And even if the study was valid and the results valid, those are kids who smoke every single day for years on end. A little weed now and then will have zero effect, other than possibly expanding consciousness. Alcohol would have an even worse effect if a teenager

Baby monitors don’t cause anxiety, people do.

If you use Google products then Google+ is great because everything is linked. Email, docs, hangouts, YouTube, everything. It’s the best implementation of a web-based suite I’ve ever seen. And it’s not Facebook, which is another selling point. I think most people who dump on Google+ have never really seen it used as

Don’t you have a Trump rally to attend?

1. World hunger is not due to lack of food. It’s due to politics.

Any excuse to feign outrage, eh Giz?