Poop Culture

Here in America, the Indians gave us corn. But I've never heard of a corn delivery service.

No. I'm usually too scared to eat convenience store hot dogs, so I sure as hell am not going anywhere near convenience store sushi.

You could ask one or two of his surviving sister wives.

You mean drown in their own garlic dipping sauce.

You can't put images/videos directly on the AV Club disqus threads. They have that feature turned off. Links only.

Does a bear shit on the Pope?

They'd be able to afford to hire a fact checker if you'd just stop being so damn selfish and go buy some useless shit on Amazon thru this handy link.

No, you have too many teeth to be a server at Waffle House.

Or six seasons and a movie.

We live in a Negativeland.

You talking to me?

Your mom is a coulrophobe.

Probably the best Potter movie but that awful Jamaican shrunken head on the bus still makes me cringe.

Hmm, that is a scintillating topic. Dare I say a hot one?

Now I want a Youppi! christmas ornament. Damn you Jeffrey Loria.

One episode of MacGyver

Reverse Santa is one of my top five favorite sexual positions.

Just shoot me.

Cool idea and good execution (though if I watch any more of them, I'll probably mute the bad jazz and put on my own choice of soundtrack.) Wish this existed for other cities in the 1980s. You done good this time, Internet!

You're just like my father: Too bold.