Poop Culture

Because my mother is never satisfied.

We'll all be safe from Satan when the thunder rolls, if you'll just keep your Kiefer Sutherland music projects way down in the hole.

Those shows are so bad they're still fun to watch. Home Improvement is just mediocre enough to have been forgotten.

"I Love Lucy" did it first. Over and over and over and over and over again.

Upvoted for poop.

Because that's what monsters do.

I saw this headline and did a quick prayer—"Please let this be written by Sean O'Neal. Please let this be written by Sean O'Neal."

Your parents could afford Spanish tutors but not cable? Where were their priorities???

Yeah, but six of them are inglorious bastards.

Now that would be a Great Job, Internet! I could get behind.


is Mickey Rooney a bright yellow in that one? It would fit the performance.

Don't worry. At the last minute, Netlfix is going to decide to keep it so they can tell you, "Ha! Psych!"

There's always chatter money in the banana stand.

A glass mug with a handle makes some sense. But glass gets really hot really fast and I just can't see how the picture above would be a smart or safe tea drinking decision at all.

White vinyl doesn't have as much natural rhythm as black vinyl, so it's perfect for spoken word recordings!

Or Barb.

Who the hell drinks hot tea out of a glass?

Full House Reviewed isn't watching this new season so I'm not either.

Have. They still exist for some reason.