Poop Culture


Stick with it. The second season is WAY better than the first.

A few years ago Leonard Pierce reviewed a book that's coming out next year with this very premise.

Kurt Cobain told me it's ok to eat fish because they don't have any feelings.

At least it's screw-top wine. It'd be embarrassing to be in the middle of a zombie apocalypse and realize you forgot your corkscrew!

I'm not falling for this trick. Quitting Dexter is one of my proudest accomplishments.

I really want to stop watching Masters of Sex. I hate all the non-Betty characters and want them all to die horrible deaths though since it's at least somewhat based on reality I know that's not happening.. But my weird obsession for watching television shows in order and completely means I so very seldom give up on

Almost as proud as that time we blew up the moon.

All I remember about the NES Friday the 13th is it had the world's most frustrating map system. I could never tell if I was supposed to be going left or right as the direction you were pointed on the map seemed to bear no relationship to the direction you were walking on the screen with your actual player.

If you're a poet, I don't know it.

We oughta Lochte you up for that joke.

Feed 'em to the pigs, Wu!

What if Winston is our favorite character?

Or a shit haircut.

Those are going to be some foamy as fuck beers.

I get Jim James mixed up with Yim Yames.

Walter White didn't even OWN a sled! He had an Aztek!


There are children in Ethiopia who don't have any pixels at all! Why don't you think of the children?

Shh! Don't encourage them!