Poop Culture

And sethsez knows Bud Bundy AND that nerdy guy inside Herman's head!

In other news, thank you AV Club for obnoxiously asking me over and over again if I wanted to subscribe to your email newsletter. It made me finally realize my adblocker was broken. Not sure if that was your point but thanks anyways! Reinstalled it and problem solved.

I like my Kid Rock covered and smothered!

You are easily rewarded, it seems.

I'm guessing the next person interviewed will answer that 12th question the same way I reacted when I saw the headline here: "Who?"

The AV Club

It was more a stoop than an actual porch.

Why not take a cue from Baskets and have Frank Stallone do it?

Upvoted for poop emoji.

I served in Vietnam with Rian Rilliams.

Is there a difference nowadays?

I guess we're just pretending "Robin Hood: Men With Tights" isn't part of Brooks' filmography?

Goshen! What an embarrassing mistake!

You obviously haven't seen the amazing Amazon offers we're all getting daily.

Notice there's no Univision news clips in there. I smell conspiracy!

Slow down there buddy. Your rationality is giving me whiplash.

Same here. Can't believe I missed this until now as I usually obsessively check this site several times a day. Anyways, thank you Will Harris and Keith Carradine for an absolutely wonderful interview.

I'd buy a big prostethic boner and wear it on my real boner.

Yeah, I dislike Rudy's friend Peter more than Rashad too. Glad I'm not the only one.

The Beastie Boys are Australian?