Poop Culture

Today on sale at Amazon: Human size cauldrons!

The Chewbacca doll doesn't even have multiple points of articulation. Go with the Halo Chief.

Are you saying that the Predator blue himself?

As is everything else linked here. I love that Marah isn't even trying. My guess is she has something else lined up and is riding out her two weeks' notice.


I think it's more a sad commentary on how little the AV Club writers get paid. Great Job Univision!

Upvoted for poop.

Thank you India.

Worst Van Halen record ever.

The Dave Mathews video.

Doesn't sound like his new project has enough fucking rabbits who smell like pussy.

Wait? There are articles here?

Um, O'Neal's byline comes BEFORE the caption on my computer?

I could tell almost the same story only it was working at a bar and drinking copious amounts of White Russians. The Dude lied to me with his svelte physique!

I smoke gay pot.

Yeah, Eazy E also didn't listen to the various warnings in the 80s/early 90s about having safe sex, etc. How did that work out for him?


Geez, lighten up. Amazon only has a limited number of products. There are bound to be some repeats.

Upvoted for poop.

Should have known someone would beat me to the joke. Nevermind.