Poop Culture

A baby seal walks into a club.

Spoiler! Jimmy Stewart isn't in Notorious.

Yer so bad.

That's loonie!

What's the exchange rate on Juno to American Music Awards?

Silly Carl Smith. We don't actually watch any of the videos linked to by Great Job, Internet! That only encourages them to do more. And by them, I mean both the AV Club and the original content providers.

A video about film preservation seems a bit ironic.

A rock to wind a piece of string around would be much cheaper.

A-fucking-men. I mostly enjoyed the first season, but I think I've been watching the second one at the rate of one episode every five weeks. It's a damn slog.

What hard evidence is there that Obama doesn't want Ebola in America?

Gotta make that sweet sweet dinero somehow. TV Club doesn't pay for itself.

What about love mail bombs?

I think he's still trying to get that damn U2 album off his iPod.

He was scarred for life and turned criminal when he fell into a vat of Manischewitz as a young man.

The Jewish Joker apparently.

Some more wisdom from anotherdirtymartini's BFF's mother:

Making your kid watch Jimmy Fallon is a form of child abuse, right?

White people watch The Cable Guy like this, but black people watch The Cable Guy like THIS!

My least favorite Van Halen album. Even worse than the Gary Cherone one.