Poop Culture

Who's fat?

People try to put Paul Blart down/Just because he's kinda round

This fiery colored poop idea is intriguing to me and I'd like to subscribe to your newsletter.

I thought Jones was supposed be more sassy than brash.

Yep. Capitalism for youths at its best.

Where's the love for Lemonade for the Commodore 64???

Starring Ariana Grande! Only both cousins are dumb as rocks in this remake.

Yeah, when Faith is being the most reasonable person in the room, it's time for everyone involved to take a step back and re-assess the situation.

I had never heard of the story of that nickname before. Thanks for making me research it. Too funny.

That's one way of looking at it.

Joke explained:

Two home runs in one day with this and the Pretenders article, Noel. Thanks for the great read.

I used to think it was "with my parents behind me." Which kinda makes sense. I like your version better though.

God, I wish Chrissie Hynde had ended up owning the entire Rush Limbaugh estate.

And a slight confession: I also think I kinda had the two Drews (Greenberg and the much more talented Goddard) in Whedon's life combined into one person for a minute there.

Today's not Fryday.

I think writing on 3 seasons of Joss Whedon shows plus 2 seasons of S.H.I.E.L.D. counts as longtime.

I didn't say "best" Whedon collaborator.

PoopCulture Strikes Back!

So prompt that they forgot to mention the new Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. episode. This one's penned by longtime Whedon collaborator Drew Z. Greenberg.