Poop Culture

Yeah, the money that Jimmy took was money his dad had already given away

This weekend all our produce is 25% off and you'll never find a rat. Good prices, no rat. That's the Fairsley difference!

Eat rotten fruit from a shitty tree.

Sad songs are nature's onions.

At least you didn't have to play Peter Pan, Maritime Lawyer.

Aw, you're just saying that because of my tireless support for your toilet week initiative.

"See Helena get dat booty yak 'em leg 'er down a smack 'em yak 'em!"

I made it about 15 minutes into the first Hobbit movie and realized that I still had 17 hours to go so I bailed on it and have never looked back. No regrets!

I picture Conversin' Black being hosted by those two jive-talking dudes from Airplane. And June Cleaver, of course.

Make toilet week happen! Are you listening big money battery???

Endless goodbyes after the damn ring was already destroyed.

The third half of the third Lord of the Rings movie.

I thought they were led by that next door neighbor kid from Clarissa Explains It All.

Holy chalupas!

You're gonna leave me anyway.

I can understand why the AV Club initially wanted to wait another 10 hours or so to post such in-depth and insightful coverage of upcoming television.


At least they're off on Sundays if they work at Chick-Fil-A.

Already taken by Sun Kil Moon, I think.

That is my name again.