Poop Culture

Can't wait to see what punny masturbatory title they come up with for this one.

But they won't let me come in when I've got my rattlesnake suitcase under my arm.

He's so bad that he won't back down even when I tell him don't cum around here no more.

Anything goes tonight.

Live every week like it's Shark Week, Tracy.

I think the shows never start on time because Axl likes to wake up late before he puts on his clothes.

Not so sure about the great job being deserved here. You get a grade of crocodile for this one, internet.

You need a little patience when you're waiting for a Guns 'N Roses show to start. But I ain't got nothing better to do, and I'm bored.

That's nothing. Guy Incognito 2 killed Garry Shandling in the Hitman trailer thread today. Seriously.

Bath salts.

Let's just hope no crazy bastard gets confused after seeing this trailer and goes to see that first Hitman movie. I wouldn't wish that on my worst enemy.


It's how I learned about bath salts. Thanks again AV Club for my new hobby!

The picture of Amy Fisher on her Wikipedia page is a sad, sad thing.

Because we've always hoped against all odds that he was simply OJ's imaginary friend.

Good job, you bastard.

The other "r" in his first name still lingers on in ICU though.

Or "Red rum! Red rum!"

Well, you already took one of the r's out of his name so you're off to a good start.

*Gary Busey watches an Emmanuelle movie on late night Cinemax*