Poop Culture

Only answered a few of your questions? Were the ones he didn't answer really dumb?

Interviewer was pretty lame all the way around.

I guess we'll just have to go with "Do you follow Neil Degrasse-Tyson on Twitter?"

Pretty good job this one time, Internet. Don't get cocky though. Let's see if you can do it again.

That stupid band name makes for an awkward headline, doesn't it? Oh well, I'm Over It. now.

I detect some sarcasm in your comment.

"I am Error."

I'm hoping that instead of focusing on Link, the hero of the new game is Error. I've always wanted to know his full backstory.

Well, that bit of criticism got you to post where they wanted you, motherfvcker. AV Club got five upon your dime.

This is my favorite Whigs album. But it was also my real introduction to them, so I'm sure that plays a part. Nostalgia and all that.

On the other hand, "You're the Worst" is a great name.

Infected — in keeping with the spirit of your username.

Your mother.

I guess you're technically right. She went on so long immediately about The Staircase that I didn't realize she did finally get back to the question. I stand corrected.

Can't wait until I can pay for my premium Pornhub membership with a dick pic.

Yeah, I guess it's as sure as the fact that Billy Shakespeare wrote a bunch of sonnets.

Is this a summer show?

She couldn't even answer the question about her five favorite crime documentaries at the end. Disappointing interview with no depth at all.

Horribly dashing our interest seems to be the main point of 99% of these staff pick articles.

Something something something loose meat sandwich?