Poop Culture

"Oh wee oh wee oh!"

"Ex-husband" is an odd choice of words to describe Fred "Sonic" Smith and Patti Smith's relationship. As near as I can tell, they were still very much married when he died.

Keep Autism Weird!

Keep Autism Weird!

Kimmy Gibbler sometimes calling out the family's bullshit in the original was the only other decent thing.

Agree with the Loughlin hotness but there is something weird about her voice in this new series. She sounds a lot like Carrie Fisher in the new Star Wars movie—kinda like they're trying to talk without opening their mouths too much so their dentures won't fall out. It was off-putting.

Manos… the hands of fate

Upvoted for poop.

Time of the Apes 2: Johnny Doesn't Care

Hopefully every frame of this will look like someone's last known photograph.

Hopefully it tastes better than Donaghy Estates sparkling wine.

Upvoted for poop.

I skipped so many college classes in the mid-90s in favor of watching Quantum Leap reruns every morning on the USA Network.

I can feel my arteries clogging with every single bite of the breakfast McGriddle's, but yet I order them every single time I go there. The chicken one looks delicious as well.

Damn. For a second there I thought that maybe I was mistaken about Elmore Leonard's death.

I get lots of those. Poo is a widespread topic on the internet.


I roasted with rosemary, thyme, and cinnamon yesterday. Twas delicious. I'll give the Aleppo a try soon.

I don't know, but a Cleveland steamer used to be an advanced mode of transportation.

Every time someone posts this here I always start singing it to the tune of They Might Be Giants' "Hot Cha."