Poop Culture

The Larry Livermore book looks interesting. This might be the first one of these Saturday AV Club staff recommendations I've actually used in months. Definitely the first one in 2016.

Satisfaction Exiled From USA's Street

Satisfaction Never to Know What a Drag It Is Getting Old

Satisfaction is Out of Time

Alternate headline thread:

You get a participation ribbon for this one, internet.

You get a participation ribbon for this one, internet.

Thank you AV Club. I'll be listening this afternoon.

I was, um, quite happy with the amount of Eliza Coupe we were permitted to see already in the first season. They were quite generous with the level of Coupe shown.

She was "just" a long-suffering mom on that show so apparently she wasn't "doing something."

Damn, DanTheKingOfSockMonkeys.

Just because it was always going to happen doesn't mean we have to give it the attention it is so obviously craving.

Man, I hope when they're not drag racing that the characters hang out in a karaoke bar so we can get some more of those sweet, sweet Sagal covers of songs I probably already hated in the first place.

Hopefully he's in a court somewhere suing his parents for the years of torment that must be the result of being burdened with such a stupid name.


The little snippet with Jack Black was almost painful to watch. I think I'm going to pass on this one for now and see if others think it's worthwhile a few months from now. There's just too much good TV out there right now.

Someone's going to get a beating if this is happening.

it was a Mr. Show-esque skit in the middle of a very different type of show. I didn't care for it either.

Brad Pitt played my favorite character in True Detective.

Sequel? I think there's a decent chance CBS/Lorre hasn't cancelled/ended its original run in 20 years. It's a cash cow, which is much more valuable than a milk cow.