Poop Culture

But it's my way of life.

Ron and Tammy is the funniest episode in the series, in my opinion. But some of its goodwill is lost because of its numerous inferior sequels. They went to that well too many times.

Stop. Pooping.

Cum-et the Dog.

I'm only watching it so I can better connect with the new reviews on Full House Reviewed.

Haven't watched this episode yet. Does it end with Ben Feldman cutting off one of his nipples? Because that WOULD demand a renewal.


I ain't no Professor Pickles!

Sex Pistols did it first and better.

Or you can buy it there for tuppence a bag. Tuppence. Tuppence. Tuppence a bag.

Forgot about this one. That countdown to start the song and credits off is so perfect for this show.

I stand corrected. I'm now halfway thru tonight's season premiere of Girls and remember there's a show I still watch whose cast I hate even more than Masters of Sex.

Yeah, I just finally bought some decent bluetooth headphones a couple of weeks ago. They're definitely making my late night television viewing more enjoyable, but I'm sure I'll be deaf within five years now.

The only thing I don't like about the Brooklyn Nine-Nine opening credits is how damn loud they make it. I share walls with some picky, complaint-prone neighbors and every time I'm watching the 99 I have to keep my finger on the remote so I can quickly turn it down once the credits start blasting. I swear the volume of

Ha. I actually originally wrote "…hate everyone except the secretary whose name I can't remember right now…" but decided to shorten it and get straight to the point. But, yes, you're right, Betty and the various boobs are the peanuts in that otherwise shit sandwich of a show.

Nathan For You deserves an honorable mention. I love the cinematic scan of Nathan's mediocre college transcript juxtaposed with the bravado of his narration and the soaring music. "Really good grades" from one of Canada's top business schools indeed. As a whole the credits tell you everything you need to know about

It's the Altered State of Drugachusetts!

Absolutely. That's also my personal winner for "I'm not sure why I still watch this steaming pile of crap show. I hate everyone of the characters…oh, wait, boobs!"

Agreed. Though I like the closing credits song from BoJack even more than the opening song. I always have to sing along to it.

How the fuck can CFucking3PO not be #1? Makes no sense even when you take IMDB's ranking bias toward hot jailbait into consideration. Even with the prequel discount, he still has to be by far the most famous person on this list worldwide.