Jane Error

So many people don’t seem to get that MLK’s nonviolence was not about puppies and rainbows and the brotherhood of man. Nonviolence meant intentionally putting your body in the path of firehoses and cops with billy clubs to make a point. And it worked not because of peace and love and harmony, but because watching cops

Let me guess ... He’s one of those people who believe overpopulation is a myth and we have plenty of room for more people, but also that illegal immigration is ruining America because we have no more room for more people.

White person here too. I don’t mean “handholding” in the sense of worrying about our feelings: I mean in the sense of “walk me through the process starting at the beginning.” Google has its merits but there’s a lot of inaccurate bullshit out there, too.

I feel like white people who really feel the need to ask someone to hold their hand through the process of not being racist could also start by asking *other white people* instead of expecting their only black coworker/acquaintance/relative to answer all race-related questions. I mean, as long as you choose wisely

Love him. “The Case for Reparations” is the first thing I recommend to any other white person who believes in racial equality (or thinks they do) but doesn’t quite “get it” when it comes to the disadvantages black people have in this country. He single-handedly made “redlining” a household word and taught a hell of a

Only two kids and $30k here, but that’s before $8400 a year in health insurance. It’s not enough, and I know a lot of people here are a lot worse off. Rents start at around $600 I think. During the oil boom you’d be lucky to pay $900 a month.

I was just pointing out that the wealthy have privilege too. But as a broke white person you’re still better off than if you were equally broke and also black.

When I was learning to drive, it was hammered into me repeatedly that even if you are driving legally and even if a pedestrian is jaywalking, YOU ARE AT FAULT IF YOU HIT THEM unless it was literally impossible for you to stop.

P.S. Just did the math, if he were hourly and got paid overtime, to get $89K while working 90-hour weeks, his wages would have to be less than $13 an hour.

For 90-hour weeks where all overtime is unpaid?

Her student loans are a shitload. But you’re right, she’s not poor. She’s not living comfortably either though. She lives the way I’d live on $30k in flyover country, if I didn’t have kids to support.

To be fair, that money doesn’t go far in DC. I have a friend who lives in that area and barely scrapes by at slightly over $90k. She’s single and paying off student loans, and her apartment is modest (I’ve been there). It’s respectable wages for a young single person, it’s not getting-rich wages.

Here’s a small bright spot to consider:

Isn’t the white equivalent of bougie black people just “hipsters”? Or is there a difference?

I once heard that you know you’re a North Dakotan if the only reason you ever lock your car doors is to prevent people from leaving bags of zucchini in it. This is legit.

Don’t forget those assholes in, I think, Chicago? - who tortured the mentally disabled guy in a live Facebook feed. Of course BLM is not remotely related to that story, but the perpetrators were black and the victim was white, and so it went all over the right-wing internet as “BLM activists torture disabled man!!”

My boyfriend’s brother-in-law is a little like that. In person he is a really nice guy, respectful of women, not bigoted toward gay people or nonwhite people, etc ... but he regularly posts this anti-BLM stuff on Facebook because he swallows Fox and Breitbart propaganda whole. I’m pretty sure he really, truly believes

I love these posts. It’s amazing how much you can learn with the smallest bits of starting information, if you know what to look for.

Kinda OT, but this whole conversation is reminding me of what it was like to visit Germany as an American Jew. People were polite, but AWKWARD. They were tripping over their tongues trying not to offend me.

Only in the South would randomly leaving half a deer on someone’s front porch be considered neighborly.