Coke is an $88 billion industry. Would it kill El Chapo to throw Toomey a couple bucks?
Coke is an $88 billion industry. Would it kill El Chapo to throw Toomey a couple bucks?
Sadly he's only second to Marianne in donations from transdimensional beings.
“Glock her up"
The flailing New York Times.
Which of these incels got to take her home afterwards?
“Looks like Texas was starting to stray from the..." *is smote by lightning bolt*
Is there a Jay Jr?
Yeah, progressives. Just speak clearly into Boomers’ ear trumpets.
“I'm not a warlock, I'm you."
God, Claire is the worst.
One of my favorite recent All In interviews is of Charlie Pierce lighting up Jennifer Rubin over Bush Sr’s legacy.
Only one thing to do when life gives you Lemon(s).
Hickenlooper looks like he just drank from the False Grail.
Ladies and gentlemen, in case you thought you’d miss Eric Swalwell’s punchable mouth...I give you Steve Bullock's permanent chaw cheeks.
Fair point :)
Red states will just pass some “Turn over every email you’ve ever written” law in order to be on their ballots and then both laws will get tossed. Or both laws will stand, the electoral college won’t know what to do with the results, and we’ll finally dissolve into separate warring states to which I shrug: godspeed…
“DearAmerican Cancer Society fundraisers, try not to frame cancer in a negative way."
They should dock his pay 25 cents, pulled from behind the batter’s ear.
“The Globe’s Julian McWilliams saw it after a couple of slices (or maybe one large dinner slice):”
Is this the “He’s an Arab.” lady from McCain’s rally or the mom from Requiem for a Dream?