
Whoops. I hadn’t actually paid attention to who wrote it.
Anyhoo, Optane can be used for both dedicated storage and fast cache. Until only very recently (with the 900P/etc), fast cache is all it’s been used for in the consumer space, since they haven’t nailed the production process down just yet and could only produce

don’t NAND SSDs suffer from similar cell degradation issues? last i was aware, modern systems just postpone the issue by spreading out cell utilization...

I believe he’s referring to the existing use-cases of Optane, which as a mid-level cache between your system RAM and HDD. Basically the early consumer implementations of Optane were designed to effectively turn any standard HDD into a particularly beefy hybrid drive.

part of it is that it seems like Linux gui apps are all designed by developers and not designers. I kinda can’t stand using Linux for anything more than the novelty because of things like this. 

i always figured it was just because the female voice is simply more pleasant to listen to.

you and i appear to be looking at different laptops, or you have a very strange definition of ‘ultraportable’. This is most definitely an ultraportable. My late-2016 Blade Stealth is in that category, and this new XPS13 is notably smaller than that, having basically zero bezel and being ~0.35" thick. Most systems in

It’s easy to say that when you’re talking about larger systems with a surplus of space for connectors and slots and such. When it comes to ultraportables, however, PCB space comes at a steep premium, and things like moving to microSD help to free up a substantial amount of space for surface-mount components. Likewise,

i still kinda consider micro 4/3 to be in the same general category as DSLRs and similar ‘slow-adapting’ tech. camera vendors in particular are oddly stubborn about things like these and tend to be slow to adapt. When it comes to things like connection and storage standards they’re pretty much perpetually one revision

I would argue that “because there is something smaller that is just as good” is an excellent reason to ditch full-size in favor of micro. Continuing to support more cumbersome formats simply because you can only serves to hold the entire industry back as a result.

i can kinda see the complaint about lack of even a single USB-A, but i’m kind of 100% fine with only a microSD slot. All my newer SDs are micro anyway; only thing i use full-size SDs for is my Nikon and just because i already had them from when I first bought it. I doubt I’ll ever bother with a full-size SD again,

i love the concept and the potential for simple live mocap in a more professional environment. I suppose there just aren’t that many real decent uses for it in the consumer market.

part of the issue with that is the debate about being faithful to the source material versus inserting things that weren’t there in the original for the sake of those wanting immediate closure to all missing links. At that point in the books, no such hints had been given.

that is frequently the problem, yes. Companies half-assing things leading to unconpliant and sometimes faulty parts. All of my usb-c stuff is properly reversible, except for one cheap Chinese usb-c to HDMI adapter that i got from a seller on Amazon, which can lose connection if i apply pressure to it when it’s

this is honestly one of my biggest beefs with the prequels. all the tech looked like something not from a star wars film; it was grossly unfamiliar and foreign compared to the original films. granted, i get that it was in a different part of the galaxy or whatever, but still...

part of the problem is expecting all questions to be answered in an adaptation that barely covers the opening chapters of the story. Re:Zero covered the first three arcs of its story, which Subaru basically spends on the defensive, not yet in a position to have those questions answered. That stuff remains a mystery

“I Can’t Believe I Got Turned Into an MMO Hero Who Powers-Up by Groping His Sister’s Breasts!”

while I as an eroge/VN enthusiast do consider the sakura series to be trash, they don’t contain any explicit content whatsoever as far as I am aware, at least as sold on the store. I believe a couple of them can be patched after the fact to add such content if the user desires, but as sold on the steam store, they are

kotaku/etc writers do indeed seem to enjoy editing articles to fix errors/remove spoilers/etc without leaving any trace whatsoever that it was edited, which results in people seeing it after the fact calling out your call-out after you lose the ability to edit it. It’s happened to me before as well =x

I don’t know who delivers my amazon packages but I do know I’m getting sick of 80% of the books I order from them arriving damaged.

Do you guys not have a graphics person or artist or whatever that could’ve written this review? I mean, when having someone review a product, it’s a good idea to pick someone for whom the product might actually be targeted, like maybe an actual artist or modeler, so that the important features actually get the