
Because they’re cute and fun and we enjoy them? Do we need a better reason?

yep, there was DOOM on SNES, DOOM64 on N64, and DOOM/DOOM2 on GBA.

welp. there’s another product Microsoft just randomly decided to give up on. This is getting exhausting...

Copyright is automatic and requires no application or formal statement. She automatically held copyright from the moment the work was created.

Acquisitions Incorporated did a live session from ToA at PAX just recently, where they got to do the dinosaur race in classic AI fashion. It was pretty crazy.

Oh please, come off it. I have no difficulties using trackball mice. I am, however, allowed to dislike using them.

I actually use my left index finger to type Bs. Of course, I’m not particularly qualified to speak on the subject, given that I also press Y with my left index finger...

“Power Delivery” is the key term here. By that we don’t mean “delivery of power”, but rather, the actual USB Power Delivery specification which allows devices to charge at nearly 3x the rate of plain USB.

“Power Delivery” is the key term here. By that we don’t mean “delivery of power”, but rather, the actual USB Power

MilSim is definitely an interesting experience that everyone into airsoft should try at least once, but speedsoft is totally where it’s at when it comes to straight-up shooting action and sheer fun. When I played frequently, I usually attended one MilSim event every year, and otherwise was hitting up smaller fields

Airsoft is so goddamned fun. I haven’t had much time to play in the past year or two but I’ve been dying to get back into it. The field these guys are playing in looks fun as hell too; so well-built.

Fair enough! Reading your comment again, I really don’t know how I didn’t catch the sarcasm.

i never said i couldn’t use them; i just really don’t like them. Meanwhile I actually can drive both automatics and sticks, and don’t dislike either one. 

maybe I’m just being stubborn, but I just can’t bring myself to like the idea of having to use an electronic viewfinder.

now that is just goddamned bizarre.

I could actually deal with that. I have an Intuos3 and an oldish Cintiq myself, though I don’t get many opportunities to use them these days.

As an IT professional supporting end-users myself, “Ugggghrakjsdhasd” is indeed a fairly apt description of my reaction whenever I am summoned to a user’s workstation and find one of these abominations on their desk. =x

it really doesn’t. This MIGHT just barely balance out the seemingly artificial scarcity of the classic console models, but it would take far more to make up for how hostile Nintendo has been toward fan projects.

I’ve been on the Insider builds for a little while now, purely because of the new OneDrive sync client — it’s sooo goooood. They finally brought back on-demand “placeholder” files, so you can see everything on your OneDrive from Explorer while it’s not synched, and sync whatever you want as you need it. It was on

Anything that’s always on adds to battery drain, yes, but not necessarily enough to measurably impact battery life. Accelerometers and gyroscopes have effectively zero battery drain — 11 *micro*amps on the most common accelerometer sold on digikey at the moment — and there can be absolutely no complaint about that

I grew up in the 90s, and I remain firmly in the camp that the current modern style is far superior. The 90s over-exaggerated style just looks comical; I have a hard time watching some older shows now after coming to like the softer, less exaggerated, post-2010 styles.