
When the article stated he had a foot fetish, I was just like “what, is that it?”

it might make more sense to compare iMessage to Skype (on Windows 10 Mobile). IM + SMS, with desktop sync, in a single package.

1) not everyone has a smartphone, or a supported one.

Rift was originally designed for limited-movement titles like that; it’s why it included a single sensor and a non-motion-sensitive gamepad in the original package. Obviously it limits the games you can play with it though, and if you limit yourself to non-roomscale VR then you’re definitely missing out on the best of

prices kinda have dropped, at least a little, for the rift. You can get the rift plus touch controllers for $600 now. Not CHEAP by any standard, but I don’t honestly think that it could feasibly be made much cheaper based on the quality of the hardware.

Oculus Touch really does make all the difference. Before I bought the Touch controllers I was in the same boat; cockpit games only. Now there’s Onward and Robo Recall and a number of other greats that you really have to have VR controls and 360 tracking for.

MP3 is still kinda the de facto standard for the majority of music owners, and I don’t see that changing any time soon. Contrary to what you might believe, people are not moving to AAC or FLAC or whatever in droves; they’re still passing around MP3s, maybe with a bit higher bitrate than they used to. It’s simply

it seems like giz always reports on Build in this bewildered normie-at-a-nerd-convention fashion, like they don’t get who the target audience of these events is supposed to be. This is not a consumer convention. We as developers, engineers, and creators don’t really care what consumer apps are getting released,

he’s not wrong though. we are literally talking about the president of the US here, engaging in this petty nonsense in the first place.

damn, that’s rad. Just so happens that my band is currently in need of a name.

Around where I live, unless you live on the main highway or within city limits, your best option is 12mbps down / 1mbps up for $96/mo. There are places not far from here where even that isn’t an option. Thankfully, I’m one of the lucky few that live on the main highway and have fiber access.

I have pretty much no doubt that this is exactly what happened. A DDoS right after the Oliver segment would be a perfect way of riding the flood out.

meanwhile I still haven’t played Mario Maker to this day because they won’t come off the $60 pricetag.

As a software dev who happens to be stuck for the moment with a keyboard with this type of keyswitch, I can vouch for these being completely incompatible with typing. They’re not bad, but every day, numerous times a day, I catch myself holding keys without realizing it because of the lack of actuation resistance. I

Ugh, thinkpads. I am absolutely ecstatic that the current president of my company is resigning within the month, so that we’ll no longer be required to adhere to his shitty imposed company standard of exclusively buying shitty thinkpads for our employees. We’ve had an embarrassingly high failure rate on the things

I always play in 3d. every game is enhanced by 3d. I can’t help it that your cruddy head can’t handle it without getting headaches.

Idunno, it’s been long enough at this point that I think I’m actually kinda wanting to play a new WWII FPS.

most of the tricks are pretty standard things that basically every halfway-decently optimized engine will do. There were a couple interesting bits, and it’s nice to have it all laid out for people to read about, but it’s not really anything special to HZD.

Koe no Katachi / A Silent Voice didn’t make the list? aw.

I play BotW on wiiU on a nice 120" projector screen. I’m somewhat more inclined to play on that rather than handheld. handheld mode is still handy though, and I can’t wait til I get a switch and can take the game with me on the road.