
also, for anyone wondering why the swimsuit would be semitransparent in the first place — alpha channels are frequently used in clothing for things like the holes in lace and the edges of frills and such. It lets you render an object with lots of “edges” while still retaining a low poly count (this is also how the

looks like a glitch I’ve seen a lot, where semitransparent textures (such as hair and clothing, which often have transparent edges) seem to get ‘culled’ by the rendering system if another semitransparent texture is between them and the camera — the system either believes they shouldn’t be visible because there’s

eh, if I’m not getting analog movement out of it, I don’t really see enough value to buy. analog movement is my entire justification for wanting an alternate control scheme — gamepads don’t give enough inputs and keypads don’t have analog input, so neither of them are ideal. There is a keyboard on kickstarter (I

Huh. I actually feel this season is much better than the last couple. I am following and enjoying five series this season, and actually, none of the above are included in that list. I intend to check out Little Witch Academia at some point. I can’t say i’m interested in Scum’s Wish at all right now from what I’ve

It sounds like they remove the camera movement in VR then, which is what I was hoping for.

er, the camera and hand movements were pretty obviously a scripted animation.

South-central KY here. Gotta love those freezing-rain-followed-by-heavy-snowstorms days.
Edit: huh, how’d I get to a late-2016 article anyway?

There’s no tune to change. If there is a tune, it is “if the camera moves or turns on its own while the headset is strapped to my face, I will get sick”. The only way to prevent that sickness is for the game to not move the camera except in response to an action I make myself.

er, that’s not what I meant. I mean how the player’s camera moves around on its own (as the character reels back in surprise) when he busts through. In VR, any camera movement not explicitly controlled by the player risks giving the player VR sickness; that’s why scripted camera movement is a no-no.

I saw some scripted camera movement in a few of the gifs in the article (e.g. the character jumps back when the dude bursts through the wall) so I was a bit concerned about that — it seems like a prime candidate for VR but scripted camera movements are a HUGE no-no. I hope they turn that off for VR mode.

that’s not really an issue; an active USB repeater can extend the sensors as far as you need without issues, and don’t cost much at all — a 16' cable is about $15. I use one with mine right now and have a movable play space of around 8'x9', with about a foot of extra reachable space all around (I have desks/couch/etc

Just FYI, Rift supports room-scale tracking as of the Touch release, which bundles a second sensor to enable it. I’ve been having a blast with it. You can even further increase the trackable space by adding additional sensors. It’s technically considered ‘experimental’, but as-is it works like a dream.

welp. Two generations of the Shield set-top box without any announcements of a new Shield Portable model. Guess it really is dead after all. *sadface*

i’m loving it. has this sorta “princess commander” kinda feel, like one minute she could be in a lavish room sipping tea, the next minute out leading an army.

C-buttons and D-Pad are not the same thing. I always hated split-button D-pad designs, and I’ll probably hate this. Although I probably won’t end up having many/any games that use the d-pad extensively, so NBD.

“ that star a Vocaloid whose voice was apparently created by Yamaha...”

I feel you. Today I was notified that my stepmother died this past week from a brain aneurism. 2016 is trying to get as many in as it can.

razer drivers act flaky with one of my blackwidow keyboards as well, randomly causing certain keys to stick on occasion. I just install the drivers when I need to change a setting on my mouse or whatever, then uninstall them. the settings in the mouse stick, and no annoying bugs.

razer drivers act flaky with one of my blackwidow keyboards as well, randomly causing certain keys to stick on

Let us not forget that the Razer Diamondback — a chroma-reimaged version of one of IMHO the best mice of all time — is still on sale for $40 on amazon.

Let us not forget that the Razer Diamondback — a chroma-reimaged version of one of IMHO the best mice of all time —

I’m...well aware of that? Man, I apparently need to work on how I word stuff. My comment was just about me personally; I know that lots of other people are more watch-compatible than I. Also, ‘dumb’ wasn’t supposed to be, like, insulting or anything. It’s just a differentiator, like ‘dumbphone’.