
picture it as software running on a computer cluster. You can take down and replace as many nodes on the cluster as you like without stopping the software from running. So long as at least one node is up, it will keep chugging along, and the data between whatever nodes are running will remain synchronized. You can

Your theory breaks down when you consider what would happen if the transporter made two copies instead of one — or if they simply figured out how to measure quantum states without destroying particles, leaving the original ‘you’ alive.

I’m hoping that my brain is compatible with the retail Rift. I have DK1 and it did a number on me. I seem to be moderately-susceptible to motion sickness, and after only a 30-minute session I’d have nausea that would last all day. =/

indeed. Give me health pickups and one autosave per level (if any!) anyday.

yeah, the wording there was meant to distinguish it from the bundle that includes the box with the laptop.

The article actually never states in clear terms whether or not the price includes a GPU (I read through it twice to make sure), so his question is legitimate.

Amused, but not uncomfortable in the least. Maybe I’m jaded. I guess I should probably play this game.

PenTile’s biggest problem is its reduction of color resolution; luminance resolution (which is how you’d generally detect jaggies and other pixel artifacts) remains normal. My comments about PenTile are mainly dealing with how it introduces an annoying 2x2 diamond pattern overlaid over the image, due to the slight

Er, because it’s not a TV? I use two 28" 4K displays with my PC. If I’m sitting up, I’m about 2 feet from it. More commonly, leaning back in my chair, about 3 feet. I can still discern individual pixel widths and the various artifacts that they impose upon the image (noticeable on any hard-edged shapes such as lineart

4K at 12.5" is about 350PPI, which would be absolutely wonderful and is not “so dense that it’s silly.”

I can’t say I’ve personally witnessed any machines get screwed up by the upgrade itself (and we do a bunch of these), but I can attest to the rollback sometimes going screwy. They need to do a bit more work on that.

er, what? ‘clean install’ is not remotely a ‘bait and switch’.

goddamnit casey. I like to hate on mcdonalds as much as the next guy, but this is what would happen to literally almost any other food.

I would argue that the line is only ambiguous in a small number of cases. Felicia is the first thing that really comes to mind, fitting into the “semi-furry” category. She seems to have a human body and regular human skin, but she’s also got a lot of fur and large clawed hands/feet resembling paws. It’s kind of

That’s a pretty loose interpretation of ‘anthropomorphic’ that doesn’t really fit with the definition at all, but you seem pretty set in your position, so I don’t suppose there’s any sense in continuing this debate. Best we really have is the general consensus, and while there’s not 100% agreement on the definitions

Except anthropomorphism doesn’t really work that way. Anthropomorphism is about application of human qualities to otherwise animal subjects. Application of animal qualities to otherwise human subjects is a different matter, one which I’m not sure whether there’s a word for. Either way, humans with animal bits attached

For what it’s worth, catgirls are generally not considered furry. Furries are more ‘human-like animals’ than ‘humans with animal bits’.

Meanwhile I haven’t touched my tablet in a couple months and spend hours and hours every day behind my desktop. Everyone’s got different usage scenarios. That said, I did think it was incredibly silly hyperbole to claim ‘everyone in the universe’ is convinced they’re dead. Microsoft could tell Mr. Orf they are very

eh, I would have to disagree; I follow a lot of shows every season and there’s a ton of variety. Fanservicey shows get a lot of attention for obvious reasons. The show in that screenshot is a comedy which was making fun of the ridiculous lengths companies go through to censor those kinds of shows for broadcast. There

saying “never store your payment information online” is simply being overly paranoid. Yes, you’ll always be 99.8% certain of your safety (there’s always the possibility of sites storing full payment *history* data and that getting leaked/hacked instead, or there being a man-in-the-middle attack which catches your card