
We use a 4xT1 out of neccessity because the local ISP doesn’t provide static IPs nor the ability to configure the entry for reverse DNS. Yeah, it’s nice having AT&T respond to issues in the line before I even know there are issues, but it’s totally not worth what they charge for it.

You can probably imagine how I feel as well, with my company having to pay $2000+/month to share a measley 750KB/s across the entire building =)

11mbit is almost eight T1 lines, really.

Thing is, there’s no reason you can’t have both. There’s no reason our appliances can’t work really well and look attractive at the same time. Actually, I would expect them to. Too many companies only focus on functionality and wind up with products that work well but look completely unpresentable at best. I would

Wow. Ridiculously negative articles like this make me feel so wonderful for being a windows phone enthusiast. =/

that sounds almost perfectly opposite of how I’ve always seen them described and used — where nerds acquire knowledge academically, for the sake of knowledge, and geeks acquire knowledge for practical use.

In regular usage, at least as I’ve always seen it used, it seems an issue of academics versus practicality — nerds are those who acquire knowledge for the sake of knowledge, wanting to know everything they can about something purely out of dedicated interest in the subject. Meanwhile, geeks are those who have acquired

How would that last bit not apply to both?

Pretty much this. I just tested myself at 108wpm (107 when adjusted for the 1 error I didn’t bother to correct), and I have a friend who reaches around 115. I touch-type but with a few minor anomalies — Sometimes I use my ring fingers for things I should be pressing with my pinkies, and for some reason I tend to press

Somebody has failed at reading timestamps =x

TBBT in a nutshell:

ancient mew was from the second movie, I thought.

indeed, the art style[s] easily turned me off from even paying any real attention to this game.

Great! I can’t wait to see how fast the fifteen different portals and applications we use that require the java plugin move to new tech! (Yeah right, we’ll be forced to use IE8 for years to come.)

For the most part, you have that option, and don’t *have* to use all the integration aspects. I, for one, enjoy having things integrated. It just makes life easier in numerous small ways.

O however shall I come to terms with this sadness of which the internet commenting committee has newly informed me

I must now go acquire some aloe with which to treat that wicked burn

A lot of them are over-designed, and good luck finding any without LEDs of some sort, but some manage to strike a nice balance. I have an Alienware M11x from some years ago that’s not too gaudy.

As much as I love my desktop, dragging it out to friends’ places for gaming is a huge pain in the ass, to the point where a text asking if I want to have a LAN party is usually met with “ehhhhh....”