
dat bezel. everything about the design of this laptop screams 2010.

yeah, I was oddly disappointed to see how little of the storm my area will be getting. lol

The wording in the radar image caption is laughably ambiguous and in dire need of proofreading, unfortunately. It doesn’t make much sense no matter how you read it.

bad design/arrangement, or possibly just contrast. the white after the dark blue is meaningless, or at least it’s meaningless for this image, because the weather spectrum in the actual image never goes beyond yellow/orange. what’s important here is that the key shows a transition from brown -> black -> white -> blue

Having played the VN, I have to say, I was not a huge fan of the anime. Aside from the production values being fairly weak, there were some scenes from the VN which had tremendous impact on me as I played, which just fell incredibly flat in the anime. Largely due to having to cut scenes out and simplify scenes to save

er, the curve in the strokes is pretty apparent. It took me a minute to even figure out what ‘spelling error’ you were referring to.

wha? the legend clearly shows that blue is more moist than white. brown < black < white < blue < green < yellow ....

here I am... color me a little disappointed that this image makes it seem like my area will be running on Easy Mode. =x

if they could do it without increasing the cost of the device or reducing its efficiency too much, then certainly. That was always Nintendo’s biggest focus in those days.

Yet it still wasn’t universal. Also keep in mind that Nintendo traditionally used simpler hardware BoMs to keep costs down. In context, it made sense — and it ended up being a transition period for the big N as backlit screens became cheaper and more widely available.

will have to find it, sounds neat.

This actually makes me want to play a game designed like this — where the player is a noncombatant and has to rely on his AI escorts to stay safe on his quest. Would make for a pretty interesting twist on the exploration/survival game concept.

I’d call them comparable. Having no backlight wasn’t really anything out of the ordinary at the time, and their libraries ultimately ended up both being pretty robust. I have a sizeable collection for both.

Haven’t really had any issues with flimsiness myself. The *DS line has had far more problems with that, simply due to the sheer size of the lid; the SP was downright rigid in comparison.

I found an ebay seller that sold refurbished units with custom shells — you could choose the colors of the individual shell components. I got a purple/black model while my friend got one in a gundam-ish red/white/blue/yellow motif. =x

For me, not so much. I quite like the feel of the SP compared to some of the other Nintendo handhelds, but that’s me.

GBA SP AGS-101 had a pretty awesome two-level backlight for its display. Significantly better than the original sidelight unit.

What about multiplayer or GCN connectivity? Really, the AGS-101 SP is the ideal GBA, hands down.

same, I live in KY and was just at the AMNH at the end of December =(

just spent a week in Germany and the hotel wifi is atrocious. sometimes like 200kbps during peak hours. gifs kill me =/