
Hard to say. Saitama had no problem chilling on the moon for a bit before simply jumping back to earth. He’s also survived Genos’ plasma blasts no problem, so I doubt the sun itself would harm him at all. Given that he’s pretty much indestructible, and his own power seems to naturally scale to whatever obstacle he

good point!

If Saitama vs Superman makes you laugh, you don’t know enough about OPM.

Not really; it’s more like just getting cell/data service through any old no-contract prepaid reseller (e.g. Straight Talk) except in this case the reseller is also the OS vendor. Sam L in the Kingsmen gave it away for free.

We don’t exist for the sake of our employers. I support my employer by working for them. I actually work for a parts manufacturer whose parts you’ll find in GM, Ford, and Chrysler vehicles, but I drive a Toyota. That’s what I wanted. I’m not going to sacrifice my own interests for the interests of my company. I don’t


Personally I can only really stand to use webapps for things like this in a pinch. If there’s a standalone app that decouples it from my browser, I’ll go with that pretty much any day.

They will work as long as people leave Flash enabled in their browsers. Afterward, flash devs will need to switch over to targeting HTML5 in order for their games to continue to work for those who disable flash.

The problem is that Adobe has used the name ‘flash’ for two different products — the animation-oriented web application platform (i.e. the tech that powers the ‘flash ads’ and ‘flash animations’ and ‘flash menus’ and whatnot that we’re all used to seeing around the web), AND the authoring software used to design it.

the last picture there is a Polychaete (aka bristle worm), not a Tartigrade.

Fighters/Bombers also require SP, though — with some of the highest skill point multipliers in the game, short of capital ships. Trust me when I say training to V takes friggin’ forever =/
Meanwhile drones can be fully trained in a pretty short period in comparison.

Nah, Drones in EVE are tiny and extremely simplistic compared to Fighters. Basically all they amount to is a shell containing thrusters, guns, cameras, and a wireless antenna. The computer that controls them is built into your ship (no human controller needed), so there’s no extra expenses for computer systems. I

generally, yeah. It’s perhaps notable that the Shuttles are all mostly symmetric.

Regarding clones: you may have a point. I don’t know if regular cloning was something that ever came up in the lore, but it’d be an interesting thing to consider.

Except symmetry is completely unnecessary with spaceships. There are no aerodynamics to consider, so as long as thrusters are balanced the ship can have its components balanced however is needed and it would have no effect on its flyability. I actually love the asymmetric designs, since it acknowledges that fact.

Regarding loss of efficiency when damaged, I imagine that’s just something hand-waved for the sake of gameplay.

Totally not a Providence. This is a Leviathan-class Titan. #corrections

Point being, generally people don’t buy stuff in-game by spending real cash. You *can*, but most players do not, because earning money in-game is relatively easy — to the point where you can use in-game currency both to pay for the monthly fees *and* buy whatever ships you need if you play enough.

The ships and other

ironically, this week’s KB3097877 update messed up a bunch of our win7 PCs, while the same patch as part of the win10 cumulative update gave our win10 systems no such issues. =x

so far the only system we’ve experienced any driver issues on was an old Asus laptop with an early intel/NVidia hybrid graphics system; the driver would cause the system to blackscreen on login. I wasn’t particularly surprised though, since those hybrid drivers have always been kinda flaky and system-specific.