
Us Insiders have been on this build for about a week now. It (and other recent Insider builds) has felt pretty darn solid.

MS and many of us don’t agree with that assessment. We think the tiles are wonderful, and MS isn’t likely to be changing them any time soon. Don’t like them, get Start7 or whatever.

If this were September? Ehhh....

If win7 runs fine, win10 should run better.

lol wut

you can buy the controller with that bundled in; that’s how I got mine.

XB1 has a standard 2xAA compartment. There’s a pricier bundle which includes a rechargeable battery pack and USB cable for charging.

How would a traditional D-pad not work? a D-pad is just four buttons on a pivot. Operationally the same as four separate buttons, with the benefit of being better for things that actually use them as directional controls.

In an ideal world where everyone operated the same way and had their price ceilings determined and set in stone from the start, that might be true. In truth though, people just want to win for the lowest price possible.

Right, and how many people do you actually believe only enter their max bid? Furthermore, how many people do you believe actually will stick with their max bid when they see they’re losing?

“Correct”? who cares about “correct”? this was never about what is or is not “correct”, it’s about how people behave in the real world. People don’t behave like your ideal bidder who only bids their maximum price ceiling and never changes their mind.

People don’t always behave so logically.

It should be noted that saying antimatter has ‘negative charge to counter matter’s positive charge’ is somewhat deceiving, as particles among both regular matter and antimatter have both positive and negative charge depending on the particle.

i think the main point is so the guy getting outbid doesn’t have time to decide he still wants to bid even higher.

for what it’s worth, the last couple win10 mobile builds restored my 920’s battery life back to what it was under 8.1.

A full-size physical PC keyboard is the best thing to type on, period.

It was that way on purpose; his narration was basically the text from the story he was writing.

You and I are apparently living in alternate realities. Basically the entire point of buying a mechanical keyboard is that they are an absolute joy to type on. It’s been that way since long before Razer & friends decided to start making gaming versions. Mechanical keyswitches have always been the luxury platform for

the ‘universal’ name they applied to win8/8.1 apps was kind of a marketing trick — they were called that because those apps utilized a shared code system where you could write business logic within a shared project and the platform-specific projects containing platform-specific UI code and whatnot simply linked that

I’m curious to see how things change once win10 is out for mobile. Right now I imagine most developers are holding off on further winphone development until it’s out and they can publish apps using the new Universal APIs.