
I would actually argue the opposite — music games like these may actually be the catalyst that draws people into music who otherwise wouldn’t have really thought about it. It’s kinda like how some people suddenly want to learn guitar or whatever after a friend takes them to a concert — immersive exposure to music

I’ve been gigging for seven or eight years now, but I still enjoy rock band / guitar hero type games. One does not preclude the other; they’re both fun in different ways.

out of curiosity, why did you choose to use individual accounts rather than linked tweets? I mean sure, you’d have to work backwards, but it should be a bit more manageable and certainly less annoying than having to make/handle all those accounts. =x

I shall be using a set of military NVGs. Worked really well during the parseids.

I feel like there should be a new term for those kinds of people. I’d describe myself as a ‘progressive liberal’, but at the same time I cannot stand those types that want to try to coddle everyone and enforce a realm of political correctness. Something like ‘radical progressive liberal’? I don’t know.

That’s self-censorship. Japanese companies employ it all the time to avoid provoking the government into outright banning various types of content. Nevermind that the effect is the same. But I digress.

Oh but trust me, for every guy like you, there are nine guys who would sooner take immense pleasure in seeing you die and lose your ten bucks.

with the mechanic used by this simple safe, you could theoretically have quite a few numbers/discs as long as the discs were large enough to make room for each other and each additional number was within the dead zone between high/low discs.

Personally I have never liked split dpads. I don’t really know what it is, but it just doesn’t feel right. Having a standard traditional d-pad (not the disc thing either) feels better when i’m using it as an actual directional pad, partially since shifting between different directions is more natural and seamless.

Depending on the sort of game, who made it, etc.... that may or may not be the case. CoD games in particular have a reputation for their short campaigns.

This was discussed elsewhere in the comment thread — the article discusses the issue in very broad terms, and the quote presented refers to it in the context of a single-player game. Certain types of games (especially multiplayer ones) obviously make more sense with upfront selectable levels.

Firstly, my avatar is irrelevant to the discussion. Secondly, I’m not telling anyone how they should do anything. I’m just saying this makes no sense from any angle.

Oh right, and there’s also the thing that made me consider posting on the subject to begin with — that the devs being quoted seem to be proud of their accomplishment, as though Level Select is a huge revolutionary new thing despite it having been around in some form or another for decades.

Triggered further discussion on the topic. Mission Accomplished.

Well, if I had to consider ways in which it would devalue the experience for me personally... I would say that it cheapens and devalues the accomplishment of actually overcoming the challenge and progressing in and completing a game, for one. Secondly, it makes it feel like the game’s developer is devaluing the story

I can easily fathom and fully-well tolerate someone wanting to play any given level without dependence on saves and whatnot — there are always edge cases for it, and that’s fine. That’s why games used to have cheat codes to access it.

Reverie Planetarian (jp: Hoshino Yumemi) from the short kinetic novel ‘planetarian ~the reverie of a little planet~’. =)

I’m not assuming anything of the sort. Once again, the text of this article reads as a commentary on games in general — with CoDBloops3 being merely the spark that set that commentary in motion — and that is what I was responding in regards to.

Ignoring your amusingly condescending attitude calling it childish logic, yeah, hard drive failures happen, and I’ve had one or two happen myself (once right before the final boss of FFVIII, even). As far as I’m concerned, however, that’s not really a justification. Not once have I felt that losing my saves was a

I’m not sure what you think I missed. You’re not stating anything I don’t already know. My point is, Level Select normally (and appropriately) requires either progressing as intended and unlocking the option to select each level piece by piece, or cheating (and incurring whatever penalties that may impose). Opening