Paul Logan

Wait. You think the insurance company wouldn’t cover a wheel change only pit stop? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

You’re aware they are making a movie? Right? Like pretend. Grabbing some quick cuts for a myriad of reasons. 

I love how “tinkering around the yard” isn’t described as a chore for you. I’m also sure that she isn’t allowed to leave the house on the weekends. /s 

How’s russia this time of year. I hear the gulag is nice. 

F1. The only sport where not winning matters to some people. 

Only in Philadelphia is it worth 50 bucks though.

That’s it? Those are the ins and outs of motorsport sponsorship?

Pretty sure you missed the point on that second one. 

Nice regressive tax. 

Thank you for an actual rational take on this. 

Those are some big ass panels to fit in an EDM machine. Expensive too!

2 reasons. 1. Safety. Cars would be so unbelievably fast, that making them safe is probably impossible. 2. Cost. Maybe it last a couple of years with a a couple of teams as costs absolutely skyrocket. $1B budget doesn’t seem very far fetched. As long as the viewership is there. There’s, what, 5 teams on earth that

Student loan debt forgiveness is a regressive tax. 

I wonder what the efficiency gains would be if you increased the travel time of the petro ship by 50%? 

I’m not sure how to ever get ungreyed but here it goes.

I’d understand if the car was actually bespoke. Like an entirely new chassis etc that required the r&d and compliance stuff. But it’s not. 

How does it reek of culture war bullshit? Conservatives don’t love EVs but road taxes need to be collected. So here we are. 

Bc it’s not an honest article. It’s purely to generate clicks.

This is a fucking joke right? They don’t collect gas taxes. This has been debated/discussed/hell even agreed upon among the collective at jalopnik that this is what’s necessary. 

I might be wrong, but are they referring to the authorized “prime” sellers? The ones that are still prime but ship it themselves. Not the drop shippers?