Paul Logan

Don’t disagree with anything you’re saying, but that FBI doc released today and the alleged recordings the Burisma guy says he has don’t look great.

I’m trying to determine what you’re implying? It seems you’re indicating that abortion should be legal full stop. end of story. And it’s no ones business.

There’s never been a premature baby that was delivered at 2.5lbs. never.

Show me where one actor or union official has encouraged the boycott of already produced content. I’ll wait. 

So to help SAG you’re going to boycott their work? Seems nonsensical. No one has said that boycotting already produced content under their previous deal would be helpful. Quit the opposite, actually. 

You’re paying about 20% more today than in the golden years, however to get the same experience, leg room, food, checked bags etc... the cost is more like 100%-200% more today.

This is so accurate. 

How neat. Another car no one can actually buy even if they wanted to. “Cars are already spoken for 3 years prior to release.”


I, at least, can appreciate that musk wears who he is on his sleeve. Zuck isn’t any better in any conceivable metric and will do and say anything to somehow “look the part,” without actually doing anything about it. I think that’s worse. 

Nah. I think it’s what the OP said. The summer can be packed with scheduling and people not having the time to hit opening weekend. It sure happened to our family. Finally got some down time and sure enough took the kids to elemental last week. 

You want grid access as a celebrity? You might be required to say a few words.

This seems like the least worst outcome. It kind of worked. 

I absolutely agree with your sentiment but I think what you’re asking is impossible. You essentially are asking for a non-biased non-partisan group that gets to decide what is ultimately real or fake. 

No it wasn’t.

And someone with enough time and care to post about it incessantly. 

I can’t wait to hear her bitch about the freedom caucus being too liberal and woke now!

The best use I’ve used this for is the unlimited mount and dismount of TVs. 

The best use I’ve used this for is the unlimited mount and dismount of TVs. 

lol. To a tee!

4 North American races. None back to back. Interesting.