Paul Logan

Then why on earth did bud light proceed with that marketing campaign?


$1k pre month for a porsche? lol. 

Yeah. Their statement is utterly ridiculous. I’m just outside that range and make pretty good money. Porsche isn’t remotely on my radar bc they are SO far above the other Germans it’s not even funny. Not to mention you can’t even get one if you wanted to.

I don’t usually love the snark of jalopnik, but this is spot on.

They’ll continue to manufacture their 4 strokes for arctic cat though.

This is most likely true. The pro choice movement should be a MUCH better job framing the conversation this way. Most of us are pro life but understand that there is a real issue with this practice in reality and unfortunately abortion is necessary and we understand that.

that’s the real ‘gotcha’

lol. you must be new here ( to the united states) 17b a year for this is absolutely nothing.

I’d sure hope the redesign took into consideration electrifying it in the not too distant future. 

Outside of outright bans of driving to city centers, which I think is a real thing in Europe, do people buying $200k+ cars really car about a trip charge into the city?

This is beyond awful Taking their poor nephew with? what in the actual fuck. 

literally everyone in this state can point to something she helped them with personally, or a relative she helped, or a grant she wrote a letter of support for, or Federal money she brought to the community, etc.”

yikes. Bait and Switch city. 

Yeah. I’m not sure why this wouldn’t be billed out to some degree to oceangate and the ill fated.

Class action? Brought by who? The entirety of the United States?

Interesting they went with the new turbos for the extra 30hp. The aftermarket will have a field day with this.

ok? What’s your point? Every class of vehicle is bigger than their 90s counterpart. 

So sad. Something I grew up on and something I share with my little kids today. 

The CO2 will slowly put you to sleep as you suffocate in your sleep. Probably not the worst way to go.