
I like it.

Karma The Karma

Because this is Russia, everyone just drove by as if nothing happened...

y tho

But does it SUCC?

That’s just a Saturn Sky.

One thing that ticks me off is “Telsa”.

I totally forgot the the 5C had that case...


...and now I'll read it because of reverse psychology

You mean... A E S T H E T I C

By the way, that's a Q7.

Well, the Q30 is more of a Daimler than a Datsun.

Government regulations, yo!

That's the only one that I got correct.

I'm even sadder. My ML is apparently worth $3,600 or so. That is about 6% of how much we paid for it, new.

That's not something you're exposed to every day

Such indulgence, much wow! Who cares about housing or health... just eat Big Macs and sleep in “your” 911!

With no reserve and what could be a low sale price (due to the apprehension surrounding it), one could potentially purchase it and part it out. The M Performance brakes and 135i wheels and bumper could potentially be worth some dough. Though it would probably not be the same with the Business radio, air conditioning,

And they probably get to drive it 365 days in a year