
Unfortunately, no. 

If you can adjust to skipping breakfast, it’s pretty easy. I typically eat between 11am and 7pm during the week (all bets are off on the weekend).

What the hell is going on with the loud, unrelated autoplaying videos in the middle of posts?

I never thought I would say this, but on a show with both Robin Thicke and Jenny McCarthy, Ken Jeong is the worst part. 

Your headline is incorrect and should be updated. 


Haha, I do that too!

“I’m cold” -- the one with the little ghost boy who froze to death in the woods.

Sorry, I’m confused--is that supposed to be scary?

Meh. Maybe I’ve been a renter too long, but that seems reasonable to me. Less space = less cleaning.


I think you are overreacting just a tad. 

...he is still an old white man, though.

Congrats on being a cool kid who took up smoking after literally everyone on the planet knew it was bad for you.

Is it? Doesn’t Hamm have a drinking problem?

I agree with you. I unfollowed all celebrities because they’ve all just become sponcon accounts now. I get that that’s how they make their money, but god is it annoying.

Eh I wouldn’t worry about it. There are definitely worse things than being Libertarian. 

No thanks.