
All I could see was Nick Fury.

The edit button only works for 5 minutes or so, to prevent people from going back and 'changing history' so to speak. It's just there so you can go back when you inevitably post something with a spelling error at some point.


People DON'T hate it. They just want Half-Life much, much more than they want ricochet.

No, no, you've got that backwards. STOPPING with being alive kills you.

Sure, and following the same reason they had no reason to branch out into Steam 'to appease shareholders'. For them, it's mostly about improving the social standing of games as a medium. Close ties with Apple could give more serious/complex/deep games a big opportunity on iPads and iPhones.

Talking to a Apple would give Valve precisely the opportunity to work on and fix the things they're criticizing.

I'd actually love to introduce 'real gaming' or with a more useful description 'deeper gameplay and longevity' to the iPhone and iPad. Expand the horizons of those who are now stuck with only simplistic few-minute affairs.

Learning curves.

I think this fits the general color theme a bit better.

The 4chan dress is no dress, just a piece of paper you hold in your hands, saying "hello /v !".

Well not disorganized, maybe... I tried finding a fitting word and this is the closest I could think of. It's more that they don't always follow rules as strictly (on a individual/personal/private level) as other cultures. There's less people nitpicking about etiquette and such.

My name is Sander, I once misspelt it as Snader, and it stuck as being unique.

"Relax, Euroheads. In real life, we all agree that France is awesome."

Dear lifehacker. I can't wait two days to watch a movie. Where do I find therapy?

It's a thoroughly unimpressive one. [nko.si]

His point is that the plot of DOOM, and yes there is a plot, is completely ignored in the movie.

...are you implying that Hollywood doesn't say "Make it like this or we won't give you any money"?

It's a pity it didn't happen. But it's a good thing it didn't happen.

I'd argue that slang is actually really important to learn because it allows you to blend in more. Instead of a tourist you come off as a recent immigrant. In many cases this is beneficial because you're likely to get treated more as "one of them".