oh damn, time travel was involved?? the previous story was regarding a tablet running "windows 8"
oh damn, time travel was involved?? the previous story was regarding a tablet running "windows 8"
You should also know how to read before purchasing power tools.
If you can't safely use a hammer, you shouldn't be looking for a power tool to replace it. #my2cents
I remember my first after effects.
it sure is pretty. I dunno though, I'd think there would be some issues with warping or shrinkage? Actually, now that I think of it, I suppose we're all trying to avoid those problems.
biometrics are different than fingerprint scanners. Don't you watch...eh, nevermind.
oh, I am to go for it. #corrections
for a second, I thought this was a pillow with a flexible LCD screen. (much cooler)
I liked the part when it ended best.
wait, so your saying different people like different apps??
put the bong down, hippy.
This guy has made a career out of mediocrity. Are we surprised he's using an iPhone accessory that Urban Outfitters sold 3 years ago?
damn, looks like you've finally built up enough rage to move out of moms basement.. congrats!
Looks like my information has not been compromised. Unfortunately, I find my self in a precarious predicament. I'm in London on vacation, and my wallet has been stolen at a local pubs. Please, send teh monies immediately so i may return home safely!!
ultraviolet light is a bitch.. I've found Soft scrub with bleach works best ;)
see?? anyone can be a hacker!! wasn't that satisfying? now your liable for theft.
yeah, that's super clever!! I'm sure TSA will think you're a genius!!