piss paws

That's what surprised me as well. I'm turning 25 this year, but I'm shocked by how little these teenagers know about the internet in the 90's. My family got our first computer in '95 (and ofc it was hooked up to craptastic internet) and we lived in Chile for christ sake. I find it hard to believe these teenager's

It's great to have something like this out there. Trans men definitely need more visibility regardless of what is said within the community, so good for them!

Oh certainly. The <0.75 principle would best hold in a highway/freeway situation is my guess since there's pretty much free flowing traffic. It doesn't take into account all the extra stops and turns one would do while driving in a city as well as other factors which I'm sure does increase commute by some amount of

Basically anything under < 0.75 capacity won't cause a queue to build up to the point where there're more things arriving to a system than exiting it. In car terms, you won't get a jam or in stand-still traffic if the rate of cars (volume in this case) to the max amount of cars for the road has a ratio of less than

unfortunately it's a lot harder to grow a penis, mostly due to its vascularity (atleast that was my understanding). It's been about 2 years since I last looked into this, but if I recall correctly, it's a lot easier to print a penis. I think they tested the printed penises on some rabbits and they functioned as

Neutrinos zip right through matter (and thus you) unaffected all day long. According to Wikipedia "About 6.5×1010 solar neutrinos per second pass through every square centimeter perpendicular to the direction of the Sun in the region of the Earth.", thus demonstrating how harmless they are. I'm assuming antineutrinos

Right, that's true and it's wasn't those inherently gendered words that I was referring to. There are other characters that use the female radical for things such as delicate/fragile/to spoil (), tactful/gracious (婉), envy/jealousy (妒), and wicked/traitor/adultery (奸) - all which are traits that tend to be

Tables are actually feminine in Spanish ("la mesa")! That aside, the gendering can be somewhat random in Spanish, but mostly you can usually tell by the ending, eg. -o or -a.

Aww jeez, these got me watching my old videos and pictures since starting T (actually, it's been exactly 2.5 years since I started and I'm still seeing a lot of changes). What shocks me the most about myself isn't even how I looked pre-testosterone (okay, that still freaks me out), but how different I looked from just

It's real, on the orange line to be specific

Sounds Scottish to me.

Go in with a question about class material, questions about homework, ways to better prepare for an exam, you're interested in their research and want to know more about it (or even better, that you'd like to get involved!), etc. The simplest way imo to get more friendly with your professor is just ask how they're

Same here, got negative but I have terrible reactions to gluten. I was told there's a lot of false negatives for the blood test and the only way to truly confirm is to eat gluten for at least 3 weeks (I believe?) and then get a biopsy of your small intestine. There is no way in hell I'm willing to go through that to

Same. On my insurance policy, generics cost $10 or less. I think 2 of my monthly prescriptions cost me $2-3 each and I fill them at CVS... Nonprefered brand name drugs end up being < $50 as well no matter where it's filled. Maybe I just have a really good insurance plan?

Oh yeah totally, I wasn't criticizing you at all, just chiming in :) The whole label ordeal rather unfortunate, but imho not one of the greatest problems out there affecting queer folks.

I agrees this. Also, referring to the LGBTQ community as the 'gay community, or (cringe) 'the gays' is hella erasing of trans and bi/pan/etc sexualities. 'Gay' ends up conflating trans people's genders with sexuality (eg. 'failed lesbian' or some bullshit) and obviously there's many, many people who are simply not

Eh... could be worse. I'd take the mirror and the nail files to be honest; it'd be much more useful than half the shit I get at software engineering tech talks (aka recruiting) or whatever. Last thing I got was a keychain bottle-opener thing, and a pack of shitty post-its, which would be typically great, except they

Apparently Boston has more pleasant days than Denver. Anyone who's lived or been in both cities will tell you that Denver >> Boston in terms of weather because a) Boston winters fucking sucks with all its gross slush and stupid amounts of wind and b) the summer is hot and disgustingly humid. Denver is nice and sunny

Seems like the recordings were taken in the upper atmosphere.