
There are thousands of examples of Grand Juries indicting people of All races, colors and creeds for making False police reports and statements. You can easily find examples for yourself. Most of the prosecturs in Chicago who recommended a Grand Jury investigation, including Cheif Prsecutor Kimberly Fox - are black.

This is “Tostitos Mild Salsa” spiciness.

I have nothin but love for this entire community. But lets be real here.

No. The police statements are usually denials that point to one subtle inaccurate detail. They are designed to limit public guessing until the evidence is collected and charges are filed. Bottom line is - who cares unless you’re just trying to pile on the police for a crime that it looks like Jesse will need to own up

No. We know what happened. Everyone knows what happened. And if he does come forward and admits it. Where is all the apologies. Hypocrites. Everyone on these sites.

The virtue of victimhood. 

The most basic, rudimentary skepticism would have saved a LOT of people embarrassing themselves over this one.

I’m guessing all of the people who wanted to believe this and pounced on the MAGA crowd and white people are going to be quiet as church mice now and offer no apologies. Jussie should be prosecuted and forced to reimburse CPD for their wasted time. He makes real victims of real crimes fight a tougher battle to get

I don’t know which part about this story annoys me the most. The fact that this sets back actual victims of hate crimes back? The fact that is gives the MAGA base a leg to stand on? The fact that we still won’t learn to stop jumping to conclusions and get let down yet again?

It also ignores the reality that there is plenty of inappropriate behavior by female coaches.  

In the NCAA there generally aren’t reporters in the locker rooms. There are post game press availabilities, but not where players are changing. Each school sets their own policy, but I never worked at a school where reporters went into the locker room. Most schools have a press room where they do that stuff, or

That’s a terrible take and just enables the argument that only men should coach men’s teams.

“I’m going to get right to the point. It has come to my attention that you were going into the women’s locker room while they were changing to microwave a Hot Pocket. Is that correct?” 

“That’s Okogie folks. You can’t spell it without the O and the K..or the other O and the G and I and E...and I don’t know where the fuck I’m going with this analogy for a great defensive play...”

I’m not a Draymond apologist typically, but that call is horseshit. He definitely fouled him, but he was going for the ball (and got a lot of it!) and never made contact with his head.

Well if the shitty customer paid about $60,000 annually for their seat at their table, who would your boss side with?

Because they're worth more than shitty waiters working in shitty restaurants? 

This reminds me of my absolute favorite story from the life of Jesus: Jesus and the Centurion. For those not familiar, Jesus, after giving his Sermon on the Mount, was approached by a Centurion or a delegation on his behalf (the account varies depending on which gospel you read), who pleaded with Jesus to heal a

Is this a thing now? Telling people where they are allowed to go to church? Because if people want to start dragging others for going to anti-LGBTQ churches, then maybe start with the Catholics.

MLB players are being paid an average of more than $4 Million a year.