
I’ve seen a few of these articles on Deadspin taking veiled and not so veiled shots at The Athletic. I’ve tried nicely asking for an explanation as to why anyone in journalism would be upset about a paid site that is growing and has hired a lot of beat reporters (many of whom were laid off by newspapers long before

I have a similar story. I was about 11, and almost every day I rode my bike down the same street. 95% of my friends at that time lived in that direction, so it is not an exaggeration to say I biked down that street thousands of times. One day I decided to bet myself that I could actually bike down the street with my

He thought he was better than him

Why the shade for The Athletic? Besides poaching some talent, they’ve also hired a lot of laid off writers from failed/failing papers who would otherwise still be unemployed. What would someone in sports journalism have against what appears to be one of the few growing entities in the field? Honest question, truly

Unless you think “poor” is a description given at birth that doesn’t change as soon as someone (like say a pro team) is paying you lots of money, then...no. And if you’re describing amateur sports, I’d say in nearly all cases that would also be a resounding no.

Hey Hamilton, here’s a bet that I doubt you’ll take - a Trump administration official/GOP lawmaker/ICE officer gets killed before any anti-Trump media does. I think what Trump says about the press is largely despicable. But the left has a massive blind spot when it comes to the threat of political violence. Who’s been

People saying “don’t lead with your helmet” apparently think you can play the game with your body perfectly perpendicular to the ground at all times (or your head somehow behind the rest of your body). You have to lean forward to move with any speed. It’s also very hard to hit somebody with any kind of force (so as

So these are good tweets Libby? It’s one thing to say “she shouldn’t lose her job for this.” It’s another thing to actually defend the tweets as insightful, correct, worthwhile, and that’s where you lose me. These are garbage tweets. You want to define the word “racism” such that nothing you say about one specific

He’s key to what the Warriors do, but if you pay him like he’s a franchise player (which he clearly is not) you could be in trouble. Drop Draymond on any random lottery team, say the Magic, and they don’t smell the playoffs. He’s a great fit for GS and what they need him to do, but I don’t think someone else is going

That Tokyo Rose analogy is borderline libelous. The voters should’ve punished the bastard who said that, and it’s a real shame they didn’t. RIP Nikolai. You knew to appreciate what too many of us take for granted, and the world would be a better place if more people shared your positive outlook and attitude.

Don’t forget the players.  By and large, players (particularly defensive players) want the sport to be violent - that’s what drew them to it in the first place.  The Eagles players are frustrated, not just because of the ambiguity, but because they’re going to have to tone down their natural instincts for how to play

I’m not going to defend Tronc, but if you believe that newspapers, and print media generally, are failing because of rapacious hedge funds (as opposed to the fact that the internet murdered classified ads and caused people to cancel their newspaper subscriptions) then you’ve deluded yourself.  

Thank you for this. I had never seen that, and the look on his face - like he really believes he’s reading something profound and moving- is just spectacular.

When you’ve got too many English majors on the marketing team

Idk, I think Schroeder could’ve been an impact player in the right situation (maybe Milwaukee or Orlando or Chicago?). But now that he’s on OKC, he’s only going to see the basketball in postcards Rus sends to the rest of the team, so he’s going to have to focus on defense if he wants to help the Thunder. 

If another team believes he’s worth that money, he’ll get it next year, and if he doesn’t, that means the Steelers aren’t any stingier than anyone else. The quarterbacks, left tackles, and pass rushers get the big deals because they are always in high demand and there’s a limited supply of truly effective players at

Honestly Samer, switch to decaf. I’ll agree that it probably shouldn’t come from the team web site, but these guys are old friends, known each other for almost 40 years. You don’t like Kavanaugh’s legal opinions so...what? His old friend doesn’t get to say he’s happy for him? A story about them being old friends is

Well I’d say most recently the Reuben Foster case and the Patrick Kane case would be good examples (in the first, the accuser testified she lied and admitted to previously making false accusations against another man years earlier, and in the Kane case, the prosecutor nearly criminally charged the accuser for making a

OK gotcha - you wouldn’t rule out more nuclear power, but first you’d like to see Republicans and many Democrats replaced by anti-corporate populists who would create the proper policy framework as part of a broader centralized green energy initiative.

You could be right, but are you sure the old owner didn’t sell the team because he saw big operating costs on the horizon (like the luxury tax) and decided to cash out rather than just “sign checks?” It’s frustrating as a fan, but imagine you’re racing against a $150k Ferrari (Warriors). You go to the showroom and