
Trump made it worse, but Obama loved that line too. He just didn’t use it like “lots of people are saying I’m the greatest military leader since Eisenhower.” He used it like “lots of people say it doesn’t matter if poor people get healthcare, but I don’t agree - I think healthcare is good.”

OK, but if you support nuclear power, one of the parties literally opposes it as too dangerous under any regulatory scheme so... yeah.  When the GOP gets thrown out you might be happy, but there won’t be any nuclear power plants built by an all Democrat Congress

Don’t forget that those extra 969 deaths will also lead to a “$9 billion annual drain on the economy.”

How are the two connected?  Aren’t Republicans the ones who are more supportive of nuclear energy? 

Two things can be true.

He was always the biggest, in both form and presence. He’s bigger than any team. He’s bigger than any title. He’s bigger than the league itself. And here, at the end, he’ll have finally the stage—the life!—to match that grandness. If it doesn’t end quite the way he, or any of us, envisioned, it’ll still be a fitting

ummm what? This is just trolling, right? Winston got picked #1 despite being accused of rape while in college (as well as being arrested for theft), just got accused of assault, and...he’s going to make $20M next year and I’ll bet the Bucs re-sign him. You think he’d trade places with Luke Heimlich?

Well there’s a pretty good chance this investigation wasn’t any better than the Elliott investigation, or the Deflategate investigation, or every other investigation the NFL has conducted under Goodell. If every time you go to court you get your ass handed to you in the press and your incompetence publicly exposed (whe

This attack is a complete misfire. This “private” correspondence doesn’t suggest any duplicity on Singal’s part at all. You’re not disputing the facts of his reporting, just his “focus, and frankly what he says (that there are many different transition stories, hormone treatment isn’t right for everyone, parents need

This attack is a complete misfire. This “private” correspondence doesn’t suggest any duplicity on Singal’s part at all. You’re not disputing the facts of his reporting, just his “focus, and frankly what he says (that there are many different transition stories, hormone treatment isn’t right for everyone, parents need

Quick summary, let me know if I’m missing anything: a person who you disagree with about porn did something you do agree with, but they’re still evil because....they’re white and love Jesus and you believe they wouldn’t help someone who wasn’t white (but offer no proof of that at all)?

So we’re all just going to assume that this is the first NFL investigation of the Goodell era that isn’t riddled with major mistakes?  I could not give less of a fuck about Winston or the Bucs, but the day I accept the findings of an NFL investigation unquestioningly will be the day they pull the plug on the machines

I think Pop will seriously consider retiring. Kawhi was his bridge from Duncan. If that’s gone, I think he’ll start eyeing the exit. Manu, Parker, Aldridge just doesn’t get you anywhere near title contention at this point, and I don’t think he’s interested in supervising a teardown rebuild.

That triad would suffocate opposing offenses. It’d be like pairing Michael Jordan with two Scottie Pippens defensively (I still think Pippen was better than both PG and Kawhi, but for the purposes of this analogy, close enough). The Warriors would have a very hard time finding shots against that team. You’d have to

Sold. Name any price. I’ll say his age 43 season either doesn’t exist, or ain’t very good. He’s 33. It’s not crazy that he’s still really good. But it ain’t golf. Nobody is a basketball star at 43.

Tremendous joke

This journalist had $65k in cash available for a sting? That’s incredible. Did he recover the money? Is someone bankrolling the investigation?

That is pure poetry

Throw one game out, and there’s no denying Judge is a talent, but I still wonder if you can get through the pitching you’re going to face series after series in the playoffs if your middle of the order hitters are striking out this much. Judge was a fucking disaster in the playoffs last year. With Stanton behind him,

This might be more vindicating for Karius if his play itself indicated he was concussed, but he’s been making stupid roll out passes all year.