
Definitely keep sitting Rodney Hood. You don’t want anybody out there embarrassing the team. You have to send Hood a message, which is, “I will continue playing JR Smith 35m/g, lose this series badly, then watch LeBron leave town thus ending any chance of this franchise reaching the playoffs for several years before I

I’m honestly more struck by the fact that no one in the frame speaks for almost a minute while they’re sitting on the bench except for Jeff Green (very briefly).

That’s probably not true, but I love that fucking album, so have a star

I don’t know about that, but if the victim was black, it would 100,000% been mentioned in the article

Yeah I’m trying to understand why it’s not an option to remove them or get them altered to something (anything) else. I’m not a tattoo guy, so maybe there’s something I’m missing, but seems like a fixable problem.

I wish I could give you more stars, because you definitely deserve it

Is this a peyote trip you had? Can we all just close our eyes, imagine things, take it to Kinja, and pretend it means something?

He’s the most overrated player in the league. He’s a great fit on this team, but drop him on the Magic, and they don’t win even 2 more games. If he’s your second best player you’re not even a playoff contender. If he’s your best player, you’re looking at single digit wins for the season. Seriously, if you were

What would Ty Lue have to see at this point to give Rodney Hood some run in this series? I know he’s a headcase, but you cannot win 4 games against the Warriors sitting a guy who is more talented than guys you are playing for 30 minutes. You traded for the guy because you thought he could help you in this series. So

There’s no question that bi-racial couples deal with a lot of things same race couples don’t, and I really do feel for them. There’s also no question that black men deal with suspicions and fears that are based on their race.

No fucking way. Most overrated character by far. I’m not taking him over Coach, Nick, or Schmidt.

They really do

Aly and Winston ahead of Nick and Coach? That’s out of this world dumb.

I’m just shocked at how mediocre (to put it mildly) the overall level of offensive execution in this series has been. The lack of ball movement, organization, and the horrific shot selection from both sides is pretty shocking. In the last two games both teams have combined for at least 25 of the 100 worst possessions

It’s amazing to me how two really good teams capable of extremely high level offensive play are both playing long stretches of truly putrid basketball. There were 20 possessions in yesterday’s game that are among the worst 100 possessions in the history of the WCF. Curry and Durant need to turn down the 4th quarter

I call bullshit on the whole “I’m so angry that I’ve been misinterpreted” act that Bauer is trying to put on. Sorry, but you didn’t think for one second that writing something that looks like “911" might lead to controversy? You’re surprised many people made the very short leap to the most obvious meaning of those

I think there’s a better case to be made that the Patriots have won despite wasting high picks on running backs. Belichick the Coach is so far above the rim that even when Belichick the GM screws up (every WR they’ve drafted high, Amendola’s contract, and - coming to a theater near you - the Garoppolo trade) the

Ah yes, the day Middle East experts in the Deadspin commentariat have long waited for. Can’t wait for the well reasoned takes on the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

You did add the caveat that you were spitballing, but still... In summary, you bet he did it because you went to a party on acid - maybe that year, maybe a different year -where frat guys (although you have no recollection of Patricia himself) were smoking weed and being drunk and disorderly (shocking!), and if she

If you do more research on Rosenbloom you’ll find that this is basically par for the course for him. The typical recipe for one of his columns is 4 parts bitter negativity, 3 parts laziness, 2 parts spectacularly unclever sarcasm, and 1 part repetitive self-referential jokes that were never funny but are somehow