Pining for the fjords


I would avoid Reddit for the rest of my life.

The Gay of Thrones series is pretty damn funny. The Color Purple reference was so out of left field it left Van Ness speechless. Theon in stab stab revolution?! OMG!

Maybe!  But I also see Bronn killing Arya when she’s wearing Jamie’s face.

Slightly off-topic, but while we’re guessing what happens, I’ve built myself a last-ditch theory to make sense of last week:

It’s not.  

Please name names, i want to make sure I’m never anywhere near this establishment.

At least twice Tyion has told Bronn that whatever price someone pays him (bronn) to kill tyrion, “ill double it”

Solid guessing. I’m thinking Bronn kills Brienne (who jumps in the way of the crossbow bolt) and Tyrion. Jaime kills Bronn and then is the Palanquin (or whatever) who kills Cersei. The Hound definitely fights the Mountain - it’s set up in the books for that to be Cersei’s trial by combat. The Hound will show up as the

I’m a real softy. I’ve read all the books multiple times and seen every episode at least twice. I’m fully in the bag for this world and the stories therein. Just thought I’d share how a full on pollyana saw the episode.

me too. but ooh, that’s good.

Another possible deus ex machina that’s waiting in the wings is Daario. I wouldn’t be shocked if he, having contacts in mercenary circles, got wind of the Golden Company being hired by Cersei and he goes ahead an rallies an army from the Dragon’s Bay region to bolster Dany’s now decimated armies. The way this show

I’ve thought of something almost identical to this. Too logical though. I’ll almost be pissed if this happens lol

Who is babysitting the White Waddlers while the NK is off raiding the South? Is this one of those families where the older kids raise the younger kids? All the NK’s generals were ancient old men. So where are all the fresh faced ones?

Smart beard brain me saw that moment and was like:”Oh. Gawd. They are NOT doing this, are they?”

Then dumb brain me went:”YASSS QUEEENZ!” and got all happy.

Not. Sure. which. is. the. valid. Response. MAYBE IT CAN BE TWO THINGS.

....I DO wish they would have had a Spice girls needle drop there though, followed by a quick

Hardhome Depot

Pretty good legs *and* America's ass. 

I’ve been in that exact situation before, and it feels really reassuring to have the staff behind you.

I’ve got another theory about the Wildfire...and that’s that it is there because of Bran, for just this purpose.

Maybe, but I’m not sure Cersei is capable of something that selfless. When she sees the Night King she may just think he’s a strapping fella who could be husband material.